When we’re travelling, heck, when we’re out, Andrew is so resistant to taking photos, to ‘playing photographer’ as I call it. He usually does it, but there’s definitely a whole body eye roll involved after the request. I’m not sure of the entire extent of his reasoning for this, but I do know that part of it is his photographer wife, who shares notes on his photographs that he never takes. This is our version of some silly relationship argument that lasts thirty years. You know, that old married couple who says, “I’ve been wanting him to pick up his socks off the night table for thirty years, and it has yet to happen.”  Anyway, I digress.

Sometimes he does actually play photographer, but of course, he does it when I don’t want it. Or while I’m actively covering my face saying, “That’s a 35mm lens it’s not meant for extreme close ups!”

Other times I totally understand why he doesn’t want to take shots….like when it’s 2:30 am and we’ve just arrived at our hotel in Prince Edward Island after a flight, car rental, and drive in the pitch dark. I mean, sometimes, I get it.

You can totally tell how much he appreciated doing that.
Good sport.

My outfit details:
Jacket – Spell Designs
Jeans – Gap, upcycled by me with vintage lace and crochet
Tee – UO
Boots – Threadsence