Category :Thrifted


“Many of us refuse to see the person standing before us (including ourselves) for who they really are. Instead, we seek the thrill, glamour, and false comfort produced by fantasies, hoping that this new person will be the one we have been searching for.” Zen and the Art of Falling in Love

Don’t Take

When I saw this wall, I knew I had to shoot in front of it. Why? Because I love the idea of ‘don’t take’ – and in my mind the thought is completed with ‘give.’

Tips for Online Vintage Shopping: Contact the Sellers

Have a question about sizing, material, or anything else? Contact the sellers.


I had a chance to catch up with a friend. She has struggled at times. At times with health, other times with love.

My Sustainable Life: Wear What You Got

Fashion is the biggest polluter after agriculture. The textiles, the resources, the waste – you name it. It’s a huge problem.

Tactile Pleasures

With the changing of the seasons, and the dying of the warmth, I find myself drawn to the natural philosophical reflections that follow.

Scrolling Through Instagram

I scroll. We all do. If you say you don’t, you’re a liar. I do it first thing in the morning. But I have a routine.

How Much I Work

Ha! Now that’s a question. Someone on insta asked me that. Actually, they asked, “Do you ever work?”  Which to me was so very weird to hear.

Hilary MacMillian and Betsey Johnson

Sometimes you want to play. Sustainability and budget are first and foremost on my mind when it comes to fashion. But sometimes a girl wants to play.

I’m Cyclops, or How My Mom Look Works on Other Kids

I was waiting in line one day. In a public space, bank shop, I forget.

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