The city of Kingston in Ontario is so pretty. It’s managed to protect a lot of it’s historical buildings and character.
Seated by a lake, you can only look at it for so long before the need to jump in overtakes any other consideration.
We were talking about pleasure. You know what’s also pleasurable? Financial security. Some of us are more fiscally and financially motivated. We live in a culture of consumer debt. That does NOT mean this is a good thing. In fact, I read a statistic that says 46% Canadians are $200 away from insolvency. Not cool, guys. Not cool.
Even when it’s raining, it’s wonderful.
Knowing what drives you to shop is important because it helps to identify what you enjoy and what you don’t.
Never at rest. Always in motion, but often without direction. Just going round and round.
I really love this brand, L’ecoles des Femmes, from Paris. But can’t afford it. I’m not saying it’s not worth the price, I’m saying it’s beyond my fiscal capacity – there is a distinct difference.
Okay, you’ve made the choice to be sustainable in fashion. What the hell does that mean? Well, it means a lot.
And now I’m the immigrant, whose family moved continents as a child, then moved several times here, until I finally moved out on my own….
Sure sustainability in fashion is great for the environment, but why should you do it? I mean why should you care?