Category :Reviews

Review: Irresistible Me 8-in-1 Curler


“Me review a hair product?!? Are you kidding me?”

That was my reaction when the folks over at Irresistible Me first reached out to me. But then I thought about it, and really, yeah I think I’m kind of the perfect person to do it. Why? Because I’m a regular woman with less than regular woman aptitude for hair.

Despite the hair tutorials I’ve posted and done, I’m not very adept with hair. If you notice all my hair tutorials are for super easy, super fast hair styles. Nothing complicated or too time consuming. So yeah, after some thinking I came to the conclusion that if I can use this, then anyone can use this.

So here it goes.


First off, the whole thing comes in this awesome box, and when you take it out it’s this roll up kit that looks like it’s got some super cool safe cracking tools inside. You know, all cat burglar stuff. I felt like I should change into an all black skin, tight outfit and do some cool ninja tricks too.

I decided to use the pearl wand. For people like me who had to google it, it’s the one that looks like it has four little balls. I wanted messy curls with all different sizes and not too much uniformity.

I started with clean, dry hair like the instructions say. Psssh!! Yeah. No. My hair was about three days old *I shampoo it about once every five days*

The whole thing heated up in twenty seconds. It was ready to use super fast. As I got going, the temperature kept fluctuating, and I didn’t know what I was doing wrong. But after fiddling a bit, I figured it out. If you hold down the left button, it controls when the iron automatically shuts off. It was set at 60, and once I turned it down to 00, there were no more temperature fluctuations and it remained constant.  Don’t know what I did exactly, but it worked.

So I started curling. Very precisely, taking exact sections. I did not at all haphazardly grab pieces of hair and curl them randomly without thinking about it. Neeeevvver! *That was sarcasm, in case you missed it*

It took a while, ’cause well, look at how much hair I have.  But the result was this:

I really like it. I like the fact that someone as inept, and not at all precise when it comes to hair, as me can easily turn it on and get some pretty freakin’ awesome results.  I did put some product in my hair before I started to help the curls keep. And boy did they keep!  Two days later it was still looking great.

I’m really excited that I won’t have to buy any other curler. I mean the Irresistible Me 8-in-1 curler has eight attachments and so the curls I can get are as diverse as anything I can imagine. I can totally see this being a big hit with stylists as they can adjust to any client needs.

But for a woman like me who doesn’t like to put too much thought into her hair, this is awesome. I don’t have to focus, I don’t have to be an expert, and the wand does everything for me. Sweet!

Christmas lists anyone?

*this post has been brought to you 
in collaboration with Irresistible 
Me. All opinions are my own,
 ’cause I’m a brutally honest sarcastic dame*

Beelieve Hydration Balm

I was approached by Tanya, who’s a reader and a fan, about trying her fabulous product.  She knows I’m all about natural and organic here when it comes to cosmetics, and she thought her product – Beelieve Hydration Balm –  would be right up my alley.

She kindly asked me to try it and to send her my thoughts, never asking for a post about it, but I thought I’d share it with you guys because it’s kind of awesome.  All the ingredients are natural oils and essentials oils.  It’s a balm that’s good for your skin, and your face.  The balm has been fabulous for my humidity frizzy hair. It calms and hydrates the frizz and nourishes my strands.

I’ve also been loving it as a skin treatment for my legs and arms.  After the sun I find my skin gets dry – combination of sun and sunscreen – so I’ve been slathering it on in the evening after a shower.  Feels so great.  And my skin drinks it up with love. The smell is really lovely too.  Guys honestly, give this a go.

Take A Little Of The Story With You






Tied &Dyed Scarf – c/o Kish and Evie  //  Jeans – Dittos  //  Shirt – Hem&Thread via Ruche //  Shoes – Threadsence  // Jacket & Necklaces – F21  //  Purse – UO

I know I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again:  I have the best readers in the world.  You guys are so smart, sassy, talented, and in the case of Kish and Evie ridiculously amazing online shop owners! This duo based out of Australia makes some amazing hand crafted scarves.  Their pieces are so intricate and detailed, but there’s so much thought put into each piece.

This Tied&Dyed scarf was the perfect piece to take me into the summer.  I wanted something bold, bright, and yet still soft and flowy to take into these warmer months.  Something that spoke of happy and fun filled days.  The soft, luxurious material is sensual and light – exactly what you want out of a great scarf.

Take the case of one of my other favorites, the Dia De Los Muertos, there’s thought and storytelling involved in the creation of the scarf.  So it becomes more than a piece of fabric you don, it becomes an entire story and world that you take on as a part of yourself.  I love that.  Seriously, it’s on my wishlist of items to curate for my wardrobe – to have and to cherish for years on end.  Each time, discovering a little bit of the story and making it part of my own.

Kish and Evie are offering an international giveaway on their site for three scarves of your choice!  Also, an exclusive coupon to ModaMama readers for 25% off – just enter the code “K+ETHANKYOU” at checkout.

*This is a sponsored post.  
I only write about things I believe in. 
Thanks for checking out the fabulous folks*
*Linking up with Fab Favs, Style Sessions, and Passion For Fashion*

Blueberry Soy to the Rescue


The Blueberry Soy Night Recovery Cream from Eminence Organics is pure delight in a jar.  When you first open it, it smells so delectable that you might be tempted to eat it.  But trust me, don’t.  Save it for your skin.

It’s deeply hydrating, soothing, and rejuvenating.  It’s like staying in PJs in a soft blanket with a cup of tea….but for your skin. 

I use this every night after applying an oil serum to my skin.  It’s a wonderful night cream that is so gentle it doesn’t irritate my sensitive skin, or clog any pores.  But it does leave me with soft skin in the morning.  That’s awesome in my books.


I decided to showcase these products together since they go so well with each other.  The Blueberry Soy Repair Masque is just the perfect deep hydration.  After a long day on set and wearing tons of make-up, I cleanse and use a deep cleaning masque.  But right after I apply this one.  To restore hydration to skin that’s been dried out all day from make up and powder and lights.

It’s also what I put on after a day out in the cold wind, or when exposed to the elements.  The soothing and moisturizing ingredients are perfect to help the skin repair and heal. 

Clear Skin Probiotic Masque

For my acne prone skin, one of the very best products has been the Eminence Organics Clear Skin Probiotic Masque.  This gentle masque is non-drying, which is great because too much drying can actually cause breakouts, but is super powerful.  I put on this masque after a good exfoliation and leave it on for a good 20 minutes. 

I’ve been known to answer the door for the Postman several times while wearing the masque.  He’s gotten over seeing this face at the door.  I will say that this masque has not only calmed my breakouts, but has stopped pimples dead in their tracks.  I’ll even put it on as a spot treatment overnight on a particularly challenging spot. 

The tingling feeling of the tea tree oil gives you that satisfying feeling that you’re really zapping things.   It does this all while nourishing and not drying out my skin.  This is my not-so-secret weapon.

Strawberry Rhubarb Dermafoliant from Eminence

Every cosmetician I’ve ever known has hounded me about exfoliation.  But honestly, I’ve tried a lot and they left my sensitive skin feeling raw and red,  and that doesn’t really make me want to repeat it often.  I thought it was the fact that it was so gritty and harsh that had my skin screaming, but I think now that it was whatever else was added to the exfoliator.

The Strawberry Rhubard Dermafoliant from Eminence is just a pure powder of organic ingredients.  You shake out the powder onto your hand, add a touch of water and scrub your face with it. 

It’s gritty and I thought it would be just as rough on my skin, but it isn’t.  Like I said, I guess it was all the other additives in previous products that inflamed my skin.  This is simply grit that scrubs away the dead skin cells.  When I say simply, I don’t mean it’s just grit, the list of ingredients is impressive and completely well thought out.  In saying ‘simply’ I mean there’s nothing unnecessary thrown in there.

Apparently, for me a large part of my problem was clogged pores and dead skin build up.  Kind of gross, but at least exfoliation can help with that.  And I’ve loved that it helps to add a glow to my skin and reduce the amount of breakouts. 

Beauty: Pure+Simple Wins Award

Pure+Simple’s co-founder wrote a book on natural beauty, Beauty: Pure+Simple, and it’s been named the 2013 Gold Medal winner of the Living Now Awards in the US for the category of healing arts/Body Work/Energy Techniques.

I was honored to be sent a complimentary copy of the book.  I love the services Pure+Simple offers *read my review of their Deluxe Aquabrasion facial here* and am of course eager to read any book that can educate me further in the area of natural health and beauty.

Kristen Ma’s book relies heavily on Ayurvedic studies with some Traditional Chinese Medicine.  It’s interesting to read about Ayurvedic medicine, as I know very little about this philosphy on health and beauty. 

But what I most like about this book is how it breaks things down.  It’s easily and clearly explains those things that we all should know but never really have a chance to learn along the way.  Like, why we need steps like cleansing, toning and moisturizing.  What’s the difference between all those exfoliators. 

It explains how our skin works, and what exactly happens in skin conditions.  It’s very informative, and teaches us all those things that we think we know, but don’t really.  Like the difference between a night and day cream and why both are good.

Personally, I appreciate this back to basics and skin care defined from the ground up approach.  There’s a lot of things that this book has clarified for me.  And it’s nice to read it all coming from a natural skincare pro. 

I think it’s a great gift idea for some of my girlfriends this season.

Introducing Eminence Organics

I bought a groupon (a place where you can get discounted deals) for a facial at the Yonge Eglinton Laser Eye + Cosmetic Centre
Once there I men Renee.  The facial was wonderful no doubt, but what’s
more exciting is the new line that Renee introduced me to.  She, like
myself, is very aware of what we put in and on to out bodies.  The
chemicals and additives that mess with our internal and external

As you know, I’m a big proponent of using natural products at all times, and so enter Eminence Organics.  Renee raved about this line. And in part she was preaching to the choir as a line that is so pure in its ingredients and that is dedicated to being green, plus all those awards, has definitely got me interested.

She sent me home with a few samples, plus I asked her what would be the number one product to recommend to me and I got that.  After a week of use, my Mother-In-Law was over and mentioned that my skin was looking very ‘bright.’  I was glad that I wasn’t the only one who was noticing a difference.  My complexion was calmer, and I had less acne, and everything just seemed better.  I’m not an esthetician and I truly wish I could explain it better than that, but that’s the best way to put it.
It was smoother, clearer, and calmer. 

After a week, I bought two more products.  And a week after that I wrote the company.   I wrote them exactly what I am writing you right now.   I wrote of my experience in discovering them.  I also wrote of my skin care struggles over the years.  I told them, and I’m telling you, that they are the best skin care line that I have ever used.  That’s not an exaggeration. I’ve used prescription, drugstore, spa, natural, name it and I’ve probably tried it.  I have never ever gotten results like these, and the fact that they are organic and committed to a green and sustainable ethic had me so excited my fingers couldn’t keep up with the speed of my brain as I typed.

I told them if they ever want to work with someone, a blogger, I would love to share the brand with anyone I can.  And I have been.  I’ve been sharing with all my girlfriends, and every place where the topic comes up.  Elisa, from Eminence Organics, wrote me back, and I guess my giddiness leaked through the email because she said they would love to work with me.

After a discussion about my skin type and concerns and some products from their catalog that I was interested in, she sent out a package.  I had no idea what to expect.   I was so humbled by their generosity.    I was also very excited to try these new products.  If they were even close to the three I already have I knew I would not be disappointed.

I’ll be sharing Eminence Organics with you over the next little while.  I’ll be starting with the products I bought originally, since they are the ones I have used the longest, and go from there.

Guys, I can’t wait for this.  Honestly, best cosmetic line I have tried ever.   And I don’t say that lightly.

Pure+Simple for Fall and Always

 Now with Fall here and the weather changing, most people are struggling with some sort of skin issue.  Dehydration being the most common.  Being a woman with sensitive, dry and acne prone skin is challenging, but products with organic and natural ingredients, like the ones Pure+Simple offers, have been my absolute saving grace. 

Pure+Simple offers a wide array of services too.  Recently I was invited to try their Deluxe Aquabrasion  Facial.  It definitely seemed right up my alley.  Not only is it great for the lymphatic system, but it’s like a softer, gentler version of microdermabrasion.  I’ve had microdermabrasion, and it’s too much for my sensitive skin.  I stay red and sore for days and I find that it’s too painful.  So you can see the appeal of a service that promises clarity of complexion, hydration, and a deep clean without the irritation. 

Arriving at the Yorkville spa is like stepping into a peaceful cone of silence off the busy streets of Toronto.  The location is bright and peaceful and the staff is full of smiles and very welcoming.  My appointment was with Samantha, and she came out to greet me and take me into the treatment room.  The rooms themselves are dimly lit and a warm chocolate brown.  Everything to promote relaxation by invoking a cozy and sleep time atmosphere. 

Samantha was excellent.  She asked me questions to ascertain what my skin was like and the difficulties I had, then inspected it herself.  She walked me through every step of the process so that nothing was shocking or unexpected.  But she was also politely quiet, gaging whether I was in a talkative mood or just wanted to relax in silence.  I was in a talkative mood. 

So we talked.  We talked about the facials and the products, all while I became more and more relaxed through the treatment. By the way, her favorite products are the Pure+Simple Hydration Serum and the Naturopathica Sweet Cherry Brightening Enzyme Peel *side note: Pure+Simple ships to all of North America*  Finally, the aquabrasion part came up. 

It’s a cold stream water solution that cleans your skin and blasts away the dead skin cells.  It’s so gentle while it’s happening that you seriously doubt whether it’s actually doing any good.  My sensitive skin loves it and it never screamed at me, which is rare. Once that part was done she applied a restorative mask and left the room to allow me to relax and let it soak in. 

And I fell asleep.  Let me say that again, I fell asleep.  As a woman who has been having trouble sleeping for the last two months, and takes melatonin to help her get to sleep, this is huge.  I fell asleep. It was that relaxing. 

Relaxation and an incredible skin treatment is the initial benefit, but the real benefit came the day, and days, after.  My complexion is smoother, softer, and clearer of blackheads and all that other fun stuff *you know what I’m talking about*

Honestly, treat yourself to the aquabrasion.  It’s divine! We could use it at this time of year, or anytime really. Oh, and might I suggest signing up for their newsletters as they have a different facial/service on special every month.

Savvy Sleepers, Oh My!

I get into bed all frazzled and stressed from the day I’ve had.  Then my hand happens to gently caress the pillowcase beneath my hair, and, “Ahhhhhh.”  Immediately I’m taken into a much softer, and gentler world. 

It may sound silly, but that’s how I feel every time I touch my Savvy Sleeper pillowcase.  It’s not the first time I’ve heard that sleeping on satin is better for your hair and skin.  I’ve heard it a lot, but I was always wondering as to it’s truth.  And Holy Batman, I think it’s true!

It’s supposed to help calm frizz and prevent split ends.   Since Dale sent me a case last week, I can’t say as to it’s efficacy regarding the split ends  *we’ll see at my next haircut*  but I can say that it has made my hair smoother when I wake up.  Silky smooth, dare I say?   Though, I’m lucky enough to not have huge issues with frizz, all I can say to all the foxy ladies with curly hair is, “Get yourself one of these.”

And those lovely darling sleep lines that I never show you?  Yeah, they’re a lot better too.  Who knew.  Though I will return to the main point mentioned above.  I feel like utter royalty when I slip into bed and feel the soft satin against my cheek.  I’ve no doubt it helps me get a good night sleep.  And for our health and beauty there’s no better thing.

Even Drake, the dog, has upped his game when it comes to trying to sleep on my pillow.  The little black fur ball is frequently chased off after sneaking his way under the covers. 

Thank you Dale for this transformation.   And here’s the awesome thing, you can get a Savvy Sleeper of your own!!  Dale is giving away a satin pillowcase of your very own.  You can have this amazingly soft pillow to catch your head every night too!

 Enter with the widget below.  Plus, I’m also giving away a little ad space.  You know, as the cherry on your sweet dreams sundae…, I’m hungry.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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