Category :Red

To Be Back

It’s fantastic to go away…

Around the Bus

I’ve been talking about the bus and some of the folks on it. I thought it was time to take you around.

The Infamous Red Parka

Yup, it’s f**king back and it’s here to stay: the red parka.

If Not Cold, Then Rain.

Oh my gosh. I really can’t help but laugh sometimes at the weather reality of where I live.

A Little Bit Gatsby

“Sometimes I want a quiet life. Other times I want to go a little bit f**king Gatsby” – Atticus

It’s Officially….

…”it’s f**king freezing” weather. 

You Don’t Need It

You don’t need anything. Trust me. Empty that online shopping cart. Forget that new ‘miracle’ cream. You don’t need it. It won’t make your life better. It won’t make you look like Giselle.

Better or Worse?

Watching a short video about social media, the question the speaker asked was, “when people come to your page, do they feel better or worse?” He was talking about the constant push of ads, and the consumerism mentality.

Boredom and Nature

“The special kind of boredom from which modern urban populations suffer is intimately bound up with their separation from the life of Earth.” Bertrand Russell

Don’t Be a Thrift Store Snob

Thrift shops, donations bins, charity shops, charity sales, etc. etc. Whatever you want to name them, they don’t have the same high brow ring as ‘Vintage Shop.’ But who the f**k cares?

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