Do you watch The Walking Dead? Have you
seen the season finale? It kicked butt! I saw it late because I’ve
been busy, but here’s a thought. In the show they’ve discovered that
they are all infected and that when they die – no matter how they die –
they all come back as zombies. You don’t have to be bitten to turn into
a zombie. Also, one of the main characters is pregnant.
she miscarries in her third trimester, does her baby turn into a
zombie? Does it claw it’s way out like that thing in Alien? ‘Cause
though it would be really sad, it would also be kind of really cool.
Yeah, I know.
If you think that’s bad, imagine how I feel. I have to be around myself all the time!
p.s. I finished editing a recent shoot and posted a few choice pics here. I’d love for you to check them out!
There was a large heat wave one of the days this week, and Baby and I decided to take advantage of it by having a fantastic day together. We walked to school for kids group, ran around the gymnasium, then after her nap headed out for the entire afternoon getting some things done, but also and more importantly, spending about an hour at a playground having a ball. But even that hour was not enough for her because when I told her it was time to leave she started crying and fighting with me. I knew it was time though, when the fight didn’t last long at all and the thumb was in the mouth within seconds. She was tired. She was so knackered after our day I had to put her to bed early so she would have time to relax and wind down in the dark silence of her room. During this interlude, Mommy enjoyed some of her delicious port. Boy, did we have a great day!
See this skirt? It arrived that morning and I immediately wore it even though it was wrinkled. I was totally in love with it. Then later that night I was steaming it and suddenly about halfway through the steaming process it melted a 5 inch hole right into it! I was so completely bummed, I didn’t know what to do with myself! I double checked the tag and it said nothing about iron low or anything like that – just hand wash cold, lay flat to dry’ – and I don’t have the fabric expertise to know how an item should be treated just by looking at it. I’m just a dumb bum who screwed up. So that’s the story of how I have lost my new favorite skirt on the very first day I got it. Yup, I’m really sad.
So if you get it, or you’ve got it, learn from me. Iron or steam on super low with a cloth between the iron and the fabric. Wish I’d known that before.
*yes, I know there are real problems in the world, even in my life, so I do realize how self-indulgent this being bummed about a skirt is. Hence the first line disclaimer. That’s why I’m writing this post, getting it out of my system and moving on…or trying to*
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Sweater – made by my Babcia; Dress – Ruche; Belt – F21; Tights – Hue; Shoes – Payless. |
It’s a new year and a new start, right? Not only do I have a Mamahood series starting soo, but I’m starting a new regular post. In addition to Tuesday In Review *which I haven’t been too consistent on, but I do save any reviews for Tuesdays* and Random Sundays *which I’m going to keep ’cause I like the hodge podge of silliness and ridiculousness* I’m starting a new regular post called Saturday Smiles.
I thought about doing an awkward and awesome kind of thing, but to tell you the truth I have a lot of awkward in my life. I am one full awkward! So instead, I’m going to list at least 3-5 things that made me smile the past week. At least 3-5 things.
Here’s mine:
1. Chocolate – specifically intense dark mint chocolate
2. Fair trade organic coffee – got me through some slow mornings.
3. Baby hiding herself in the closet and saying “gone!”
4. Getting all kinds of cuddles from my little girl.
5. Getting three awesome foot massages from my Husband.
What are yours? Link it up!
It’s my first time using Linky Tools, we’ll see how it goes and whether I keep it up.
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Cardi – H&M; Dress – Trollied Dolly from Ruche; Pin & Socks – F21; Tights – Hue; Boots – Locale. |
I’m a little nervous about today. I’m doing a shoot, where I’m the model. That always gets me nervous. I’m kind of always afraid I’ll suck and ruin the whole thing. You’d think I’d be okay with it considering how often I’m in front of the camera as an actress, but no. When the camera’s rolling I can move, act convey a story and emotion in a very naturalistic way. Where as I feel it’s a different skill altogether to convey a story of all that in one still picture. But I get nervous when I’m behind the camera as well, so maybe I just get nervous period. Either way, I’m psyching myself up for it, and trying to really relax. I’m working with an amazing photographer, so I know I’m in good hands, and I’m incredibly thankful for that. I’ll be sure to let you guys know how it goes….and whether I fall flat on my face, ’cause you know that would be funny.
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Top – F21; Vest – AE; Jeans – Guess; Shoes – Payless. |
First off, a heart warm welcome to my newest readers! I’m so pleased to get to know you and can’t wait for our relationship to grow! Let’s jump right into things…
How do you feel about knock offs? You know, those purses that look like Chanel but are less than $100? I read recently in Marie Claire’s December issue that these knock offs cost “the world economy a whopping $610 billion a year.” That’s a lot of dollar bills, or loonies since we don’t have 1 dollar bills in Canada.
These knock offs are so good that even the pros have a hard time telling the differences. They’re that good. One thought: how about making a really good quality affordable version of your own line? That way you’d take the wind out of the pirated goods. If I can get a genuine budget Chanel, I’d get that. There would be no temptation to get the fakes at all if you could get the real thing.
That’s just a thought. What do you think? I really don’t know too much about it since I’m not really one for branded things all that much, as long as it’s pretty. Pretty!
p.s. check out my fabulous *if I do say so myself* post about Christmas traditions on Blue Eyed Owl.
p.p.s I said there would be a giveaway when I hit 200 on GFC, and I meant it. But I’m doing two right now *one currently, and one yesterday on another blog* , so I’m going to wait until the New Year. We’ll have one very early in the New Year to celebrate 200 GFC friends!