Sweater – made by my Babcia; Dress – Ruche; Belt – F21; Tights – Hue; Shoes – Payless.

It’s a new year and a new start, right?  Not only do I have a Mamahood series starting soo, but I’m starting a new regular post.  In addition to Tuesday In Review *which I haven’t been too consistent on, but I do save any reviews for Tuesdays* and Random Sundays *which I’m going to keep ’cause I like the hodge podge of silliness and ridiculousness* I’m starting a new regular post called Saturday Smiles.

I thought about doing an awkward and awesome kind of thing, but to tell you the truth I have a lot of awkward in my life.  I am one full awkward!   So instead, I’m going to list at least 3-5 things that made me smile the past week.  At least 3-5 things.

Here’s mine:
1. Chocolate – specifically intense dark mint chocolate
2. Fair trade organic coffee – got me through some slow mornings.
3. Baby hiding herself in the closet and saying “gone!”
4. Getting all kinds of cuddles from my little girl.
5. Getting three awesome foot massages from my Husband.

What are yours?  Link it up!
It’s my first time using Linky Tools, we’ll see how it goes and whether I keep it up.