The Christmas parties may be done, and planning for New Years on it’s way.
It throws me for a loop to see things about me that I never liked all that much, look oh so cute on my girl.
What is it about being in your thirties? You start to get a bit more comfortable, you start to really question shit, and you start to really not give a f**k about stuff anymore.
When you sit by a lake, with a cup of tea, and some good company you realize
What do you do when you’re in the middle of a weird warm Fall reaching temperatures of 30 degrees and you’re a freelancer?
Crossing the sand dunes, which we technically shouldn’t have done but didn’t know until after,
Waking up that first day in PEI, after oh, about 4 hours sleep certainly made both of us think one thing: coffeeeeeeeeee…..
When we’re travelling, heck, when we’re out, Andrew is so resistant to taking photos, to ‘playing photographer’ as I call it.
The last few days we’ve spent a lot of time at the beach.
I’m camping right now. Like, right now.