Remember the chase? That whole chase between men and women. The whole dance of he moves, and you either move with him or shut it down. I like that chase.
I know it’s not cool to say, but I like being chased. I like being wooed. I like when a man pursues and a woman agrees. Here’s the key of course, it’s a dance, that means two. That means in the chase, the woman consents and agrees to the chase. It’s mutual. Consent. So with that firmly stated….I like the chase.
I like it when a man reaches for you. I like it when he moves to close the distance. Perhaps because I’m so strong and in charge in my life, I like it when a man can reach the same pace as me. When he can be strong and in charge, and I can let go.
‘Course sometimes it’s fun to be in charge too. Don’t get me wrong.
Just saying, I appreciate the chase.
August 10, 2015Sometimes the sweetest goal is that which is perpetually just out of reach!
Joanna Haughton
August 12, 2015Very true
September 18, 2015"Like"
Joanna Haughton
September 18, 2015Thanks.