Category :Florals


“Many of us refuse to see the person standing before us (including ourselves) for who they really are. Instead, we seek the thrill, glamour, and false comfort produced by fantasies, hoping that this new person will be the one we have been searching for.” Zen and the Art of Falling in Love


I had a chance to catch up with a friend. She has struggled at times. At times with health, other times with love.

Casa Loma Party

When you’re invited to spend a friend’s birthday partying it up at a castle, you say yes!

Tips For Online Vintage Shopping: Learn to Sew

Yes, easier said than done. And yes, that’s a life long skill. I’m not saying become a seamstress. I’m saying learn the basics.

Tips For Online Vintage Shopping, A New Series: Sizing

Vintage shopping. It’s awesome. And online vintage shopping is the absolute dream – it’s an endless supply and source of vintage clothing. You’re not limited by your small town,  or even country. It feels like sustainable nirvana. But the truth is that you have to be prepared for some work.

I’m Cyclops, or How My Mom Look Works on Other Kids

I was waiting in line one day. In a public space, bank shop, I forget.

A Few Hours in Brooklyn

Recently I found myself in Brooklyn for a couple of days.

All Good Things

In a strange way, the trip home marked the end of summer for me. It’s the last trip I get to go on.

Introvert Escape

I had some trouble sleeping while up at the cottage

Morning Coffee, and Cottage Highjinx

There is nothing like a morning coffee overlooking a serene lake in the summer.

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