Category :Denim

Upon Arrival



Floral Fringe Kimono – Zara  //  Tribal Tank – En Creme  //  Bralette, Shoes, & Necklace – F21  //  Shorts – Target  

Three hours of driving to a cottage go very quickly when you have someone as conversational and entertaining as my friend Reggy beside me.  It felt like a quick breeze.  What we arrived to, however, was far less entertaining.


That first day it decided to rain pretty much the whole time.  It’s fine because us ladies had a ball chatting it up nonetheless.  We can always entertain ourselves.  But it did make for quick and slightly haphazard shots.

My choice was grainy shots because of darkness and much less rain because of the tree canopy, or risk my camera and go out into the full fall.  I chose grainy.  I hope y’all understand that the camera comes first.

*linking up with WIWW*

Just Get a Backpack





Velvet Jacket – Flying Tomato  //  Shirt & Necklace – Threadsence  //  Jeans – Dittos  //  Shoes & Leaf Ring – unknown  // Silver Bracelet – gifts from Poland  //  Bead bracelet, Jewel Rings & Sunnies – F21  //  Embroidered Backpack – Stela 9

Sarah Silverman shared some insight into being a grown woman.  One of those tidbits, was *I’m paraphrasing* that you don’t need a designer bag, “You put shit in it. Get a backpack.”

As much as I’ve tried to be cute with purses, I always carry a lot with me – camera, tripod, scripts, wallet, etc.etc. – and I think I’ve finally accepted the fact that I just need a backpack.  It’s better for my back, and leaves my hands free for all kinds of adventuring.




Top – Zara // Kimono – H&M  //  Shorts – Express  //  Boots – Aldo  //  Necklace – I forget  //  Sunnies – F21

Recent election day had the whole family going down to the polls.  My girl was very interested in what we were doing.  So that evening, she and I had a conversation.  It went like this:

Her: “Why I don’t vote?”
Me: ” You will when you’re older.”
Her: “What I vote for?”
Me: “Who’s going to be in government.”
Her: “I want a lady.”
I had a proud feminist mom moment right there. 

Make Your Own Kimono




Top – Zara  //  Kimono – made by me  //  Jeans – Dittos  //  Boots – Threadsence  //  Necklace – Vanessa Mooney  //  Sunnies – Lace Affair

I saw this kimono I loved at a shop, but unfortunately at $200 there was no way I was going to afford it anytime soon.  Instead, I pulled it out and inspected it.  I reverse engineered it in my head and unwrapped what the material looked like in my head.  When finished, I realized that it was actually super easy – possibly the easiest kimono in the world to make – and left that store for the fabric store.

Twelve dollars and 20 minutes at the machine later,  I had this.  Much better.





Denim Romper – Flying Tomato  //  Kimono – Audrey  //  Sandals – Threadsence  //  Belt – F21  //  Necklace – Monserat de Lucca via Beau & Bauble in Toronto  //  Sunnies – Lace Affair

“Mama,” I hear the whisper.  My eyes open slightly and lying next to me is that little girl I love.  She crawled into bed with me.

“It’s still sleepy time,” I say to her.  A tiny hand drapes over my neck as she cuddles in and I fall asleep.

Half an hour later I wake up, alone. I get up in search of her.  She’s not in her room.  I head downstairs.  When I walk into the living room I see her, sitting crossed legged on the couch, beading.  She looks up at me, “You up?”

“Yes,” I say and sit.  That’s when I notice it.  While I slept, she took off her night diaper, put on her underwear *albeit backwards*, and selected a pair of shorts, which she then donned *albeit coming in from one leg hole so that the waist is actually servicing as her left pant leg*, then went downstairs and started her day.

I know it’s small, but somehow those little acts made me realize how she’s growing up.

Not Dainty





Silk Maxi Skirt – Mango //  Tank Top – Smart Set  //  Jean Jacket – Old Navy  //  Bag – UO  //  Belt, Ring & Necklace – I forget  //  Sunnies – Lace Affair  //  Shoes – Threadsence

The whole “Mint & Coral” trend has been going on this Spring.  Putting aside that, as you know,  I don’t believe in trends – wear what you like and what works regardless of trend.  I saw all these mint and blush outfits and thought, “I’m never going to wear that!”  And it’s sort of still true.

I saw all these pale mints and pale, pale blushes everywhere.  I knew I would never wear that.  First it was too pale for me and would wash me out.  Second, it was too dainty and feminine for me.  Looks lovely on others, but I like something a little bolder and dramatic.

So I kind of fell into this outfit by accident.  I loved, loved the skirt.  The flow, the movement, how it blew in the wind.  It made me feel like a mystical creature.  And the bright, bold tank was just so stunning and too beautiful to pass up.  Paired together, with a vivid necklace I think this brighter, more dramatic version of “Mint&Blush” works for someone who’s definitely not dainty.

Social Media Is An Ad W%@*#




Star Wars Tee – TeeFury  //  Denim top – Chiqle  via Bicyclette Boutique  //  Corduroys – Le Chateau  //  Boots – Locale

Social Media.  Yeah, I’m talkin’ about that today.  It used to be that twitter was for trying to be the wittiest possible.  The game was, “How profound can you be in 140 characters?”  It used to be that.

Now, now it’s a freakin’ ad whore.  *sorry Grandma.  Wait, what am I apologizing for?  My Grandma has a fouler mouth then I* Yup, I used that term, and I meant it.  It seems that every tweet I read is about this giveaway, or that review, or this product.  I get it.  Everyone’s making money off these reviews, and giveaways *don’t get me started on how many are illegal!*.  But really?  Can we not all temper it a bit?  Can it not be every single effin’ tweet that I read?

All you fellow fashion and beauty bloggers, can we please regain a sense of decorum?  I would love it if everyone used a bit of self restraint.  Please let’s all go back to political discussions and profound thoughts in 140 characters or less.  Sure, fine, squeeze in that review or giveaway tweet.  Fine, I get it.  It’s all about promotion.  But I would really enjoy a little substance with my superficiality.  All I’m asking is that not every other tweet be about the review, or giveaway.  Can we at least manage every fourth tweet?   Is it really too much to ask?

If I met you on the street you wouldn’t talk to me with ads and shameless self-promotion would you?  If you did, I might punch you….or I might dream about punching you and simply walk away while you’re mid sentence.  So let’s bring back a little of that human sincerity into social media.  Can we all just do that?  Is that okay?  By the way, read my review of  “Human Sincerity” and enter the giveaway too.

Long Live The Day

Abstract Sweater – Lucca Couture  //  Beanie – Tristan  //  Jeans – Gap  //  Boots – Call It Spring  //  Necklace – Fredrick Prince via Homegrown Boutique
Every year around this time, while everyone is gearing up for Christmas, I’m just trying to make it past December 21st.  That’s the longest night and shortest day of the year.  I need my daylight.  I love the daylight.  I need it to get through Winter.  Cold and darkness are just too much.  
I go a little crazy.   Queen’s I’m Going Slightly Mad starts running through my head on repeat.  I become a bit of a homebody *mostly ’cause I’m such a cold wimp* and I start getting cabin fever.  It’s a paradox I know.  
So while you’re gearing up for Christmas.  I’m gearing up for December 21st.  Me and my vino are impatiently awaiting the light.
p.s. I kind of really love/want this Double Drop Necklace Fredrick Price right now.  

*linking up with WIWW and Style Sessions*

When You Just Can’t Take Any More



Water Color Kimono Top – Unknown  //  Top – Smart Set  //  Jeans – Gap  //  Belt – AE  //  Scarf – Unknown  //  Necklace – F21  //  Boots – Feet First

These pictures were taken a few days ago – obviously the snow is not on the ground – but I needed to post them and here’s why.   I organize my photos in such a way that the ones I haven’t posted are always in the folder I’m working on and once I post them I put them in their separate file.

So as long as I don’t post them they’re always staring me in the face.  And I gotta say I have had quite enough of staring at the sunshine and no snow in these photos.   It’s just a huge darn tease!  So there.   They’re posted and now they’re filed away and I don’t have to look at them.

Just snow from here on in….le sigh.

What Rules?! : How To Wear Sequins During The Day




Slouchy Sweater –  Jana  //  Sequin Top & Earrings – F21  //  Top & Jeans – Gap  //  Boots – Feet First  //  Scarf – Street Stand

Sequins are only meant for the night, that rule is so antiquated I think.  It’s a perfect rule to break today.

I think the key to wearing sequins during the day is to keep everything around it laid back and casual – that means thicker textures and unstructured fits, like this chunky knit cardigan, and distressed jeans.   The worn in jeans, the loose fit and the thick scarf all add an air of casualness to this, which works against the dressed up feeling of the top. 

And who doesn’t love a little sparkle in their day, am I right? 

Next week – I’m mixing more prints.  Come back then. 

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