Day two in Montreal was spent with a climb up Mont Royal for the view, a line up at Schwatrz’ deli for their amazing smoked meat *and I do mean ah-may-zing!* and just seeing more of this fabulous city.
I wish I could capture that feeling. Bottle it. And give it to every young woman, to my daughter, so she can stand in appreciation of her self. Always and forever.
First off, I finally managed to remember to take off my sunnies before pictures. I know, I’m very proud of myself. Patting myself on the back for this great accomplishment. Hush you from the cheap seats…I’ve still got baby brain here *side note: can you have baby brain with a toddler? Oh gosh, I hope so! Otherwise I’ve got no excuse*
Secondly, my friend Emily *she’s the one in the picture below* and I were told by a store clerk that we had “balls” for wearing big floppy hats like these. I really like being told I’m ballsy. *In my mind they’re always comparing me to Lucille Ball. Always. Without Fail.* But I felt like a bit of a fraud because the motivation behind wearing my hat is totally anti-‘balls’ – I don’t want to expose myself to the sun.
Lucille Ball wept.
Sharing. Sharing something here. We all struggle with something when it comes to our appearance right? Double chins, bellies, thicker then desired thighs – everyone’s got something. So here’s mine – I struggle with adult acne. Who the heck knew that at my semi-advanced age I would have to be dealing with the same crap a 15 year old, hormone raging, teenager does? Certainly not me. What’s more, is that I work in an industry that is so appearance centric I can’t not think about it all the time! Sitting in an audition room surrounded by beautiful women with clear skin, I pray that my acting skills will get me through and that the MUA on set will be talented. True, I could do something like take the pill to help clear it up, but I don’t like to put those hormones in my body, and yes make-up – covers it up, but the fact is I know it’s there and I don’t want to have to wear make-up.
And it eats away at my self-confidence. I know it shouldn’t. I’m more than my skin, I know I shouldn’t complain because there are people in the world who are truly suffering, I have more worth….etc. etc. ….I know all this. Tears are spilt, and it sucks. Thank you. Carry on. I promise I won’t sulk too much. Like I said, we all have something, right? Have a great Monday!