Top – hand me down
Dress – Zara (less than $20 on sale!)
Boots – Threadsence
Rings – Ruche and Threadsence
Hat – F21
Necklace – bought in Spain
There are days I just feel beautiful.  Days where all the imperfections on my body are no longer present, where the societal pressures are for one perfect moment held at bay.  A perfect moment frozen, where I am a beautiful creature without pride or arrogance, but just in honest appreciation of the being that was created me.  For one shining moment I see myself as I was intended.

I wish I could capture that feeling.  Bottle it.  And give it to every young woman, to my daughter, so she can stand in appreciation of her self.  Always and forever.

Quote of Today:
“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring” – Marilyn Monroe