Category :Black

Six Weeks and Counting

There’s debris flying through the air, and the whole first floor is covered in pieces of old dry wall. The house is cold, because the furnace has to be off and everything is covered in a fine layer of dust.

Grunge Girl Never Dies

When you’re a ’90s girl….

Wall Art Sadness

City wall art, or murals is probably one of my favorite things.

Work Wear

Recently I had a contract that meant I was working everyday on set mostly.

Without Pretense

“We must simply learn to become whole and complete within ourselves, free to be with or without a companion, free to depend upon ourselves, know who we are, not be led around by other, but walk freely on our own two feet on this precious earth. When you are able to do that, you do not have to protect a false image of yourself in order to feel lovable: – Zen and The Art of Falling In Love.

On Purpose

“When your efforts are not directed at a cause or a purpose, how will you know what to do day in and day out? How will you know what to say no to and what to say yes to? How will you know when you’ve had enough, when you’ve reached your goal, when you’ve gotten off track, if you’ve never defined what those things are? The answer is that you cannot. And so you are driven into failure – or worse, into madness by the oblivion of directionlessness.” – The Daily Stoic

Home, Really??

Well, folks, when they say you can never go home again, they lie.


There was this crochet bag that I really wanted.

Within Your Means

Wealth isn’t going to make us happy. Chasing that white rabbit down the hole isn’t going to solve our problems.

Tuesdays, Am I Right?

Most people have a problem with Mondays…

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