Maxis ‘Round The Pool

Dress – street stand in Valencia, Spain; Glasses – F21; Sandals – Zellers.

Today was another wonderful sunny day at my Mom’s house.  I went swimming three times!  Like I said, wonderful!  Baby ran around, chased the dog, and screamed when we tried to *yet again* take her swimming. Oh well, we tried.

I bought this dress in Valencia, Spain several years ago and I’m still completely loving it.  It’s so bright and happy – perfect for a sunny day!   Ah, and check this out if you want to see how I styled it in the cold weather.

The family enjoying pie after dinner!

True Story:
Drake ripped open a squeaky toy today – killed it.  Baby found the big plastic part inside that squeaks.  Then she spent twenty minutes with it in her mouth chomping down non-stop to make it squeak as she crawled around the house. Kids are hilarious!

Random Sundays: Pool Crazy

We went to my Mom’s house today where we played in the pool and bbq-ed. 
Baby loved trying to walk all around the huge backyard.

Drake went swimming, though he wasn’t a big fan of it.

As soon as he got out, he went crazy running around like a maniac in the yard.

Husband made me pose like a pin-up before I jumped in the pool *pardon the racoon eyes – my mascara was running*

I took Baby in the pool, but she started crying ’cause the water was too cold for her.  So out we went.

A final walk after diner ended with me carrying Baby home.
Now dinner’s done, Baby’s asleep, and it’s time to play cards with the family. 
Happy Sunday! 
See you all tomorrow!

What I Wore To BSG

I’m not usually one for wearing bows in my hair, which is why I loved these little black ones.  I get the bow in my hair, but also keep it small, demure, and elegant.

Emily was being a brat!
Dress – Kimichi (thrifted); Belt – Ruche; Loafers – Payless.

So you know we had a BBQ and games night yesterday.  *BTW, Cylons won – I was a Cylon – I won!*  I found this dress at a thrift place in NYC and it’s starting to become one of my favorite summer pieces. I love the country-western feel to it and also the fact that it has a feminine silhouette.  Plus, something light and cotton in the humidity is always appreciated.  I’m also thinking it’ll look great when the weather gets colder.  Paired with some thick tights, and a sweater, or jean jacket I think it could look great as an all-season piece.  It’s like all-season tires – great anytime!

Quote of Today:
“Heavy raiders are going to vent us into space.  More wine?”

Games Night Is A Serious Affair!

We had a BBQ and games night with some friends yesterday.  

Baby amused herself on the patio while we cooked.

Husband danced to make Baby laugh.
Then Emily posed for me.

Once Baby went to bed, things got pretty serious as we started playing Battlestar Galactica – the board game.

Like I said, games night at our place is always a serious affair!
True Story:
The last two days Baby loves to walk over and hug Drake the Dog…
Though he’s not too keen on it since it always happens when he’s sleeping!

Old And Weathered, But I Love You So

Tank – F21; Top – Oxmo; Jeans – Guess; Sandals – Winners.

Do you have a favorite pair of jeans?  These are mine.  They’ve frayed and they’re sooo worn, but I absolutely love them.  I have a soft spot for pieces that are old and weathered but have the ability to make you feel just oh-so-comfy.  What’s your piece of clothing?  Send me pics and if I get enough, I’ll do a post featuring your guy’s favorite items. 

Quote of Today:
“How do you know there isn’t a horses head in the boot?”

Setting Up Camp

Husband is going away on a portage trip with two of his friends.  
So we set up the tent in the yard to check on it.

Why have toys when tent poles work just as well?

And I have to share this post from Rose a la Mode with you guys.  She put me on her list of ‘cool people’ and had me blushing.  

True Story:
Baby walked ten paces to give me a book yesterday!  I was so elated!

Two Gnomes For The Price Of One

Glasses – F21; Shirt – thrifted; Belt – Ruche from this dress; Jeans – Guess; Sandals – Winners.

Crazy that Baby’s almost walking!  It’s really amazing to think about all the changes she’s gone through in the last year.  We went out for a walk.  We got about two houses down where the neighbor has gnomes, figurines, and a fountain in his yard – all of this is a huge delight to Baby!  We didn’t get much further. But that’s okay.

I love when pieces come with accessories!  I got this belt as part of a dress and I’m loving it.  It’s such a great piece to pair with a light shirt and a pair of jeans.  And one of my other favorite belts came with an H&M skirt.  It’s like getting two things for the price of one! 

 True Story:
Husband is the one people think is so laid back, but in the last two days he’s been impatient, “Can’t she walk faster?  Just pick her up and let’s go.” He’s been Mr. Clean-Pants, “She’s getting sooo dirty!  Maybe you should take her back inside.”  And I’ve been the one who’s been lassez-faire about it all.  Role reversal!!

Funny and Awkward

Dress – Covet; Shoes – Payless.

First off, this dress is kinda awesome!  It’s so breathable and loose, but still looks cute in that relaxed way. Love it! And I love that Covet is dedicated to using organic and sustainable fibers.  So important that companies are eco-conscious these days.

My friend Emily came over and we played photographer in the backyard for a little bit.  And the whole time was a running monologue by me.  Seriously, I didn’t stop talking.  *try editing those pics!*  But here’s what the whole monologue was about:  I’m not sexy, hot, edgy, *insert hot femme fatale adjective here*.  I’m just not.  I do awkward very well. Ungraceful?  Check.  Clumsy? Yup.  Sexy?  *scratching head* Ummmm…what’s that?  And you know, I kind of like that I’m awkward. Plus, I’m funny.  Right?   

*noise of crickets*

*more crickets*

Okay, I think I’m funny. And Baby thinks I’m hilarious, though I realize that my ability to make a one year old crack up may not prove my point.  Regardless, what was I trying to say?  Oh right, sexy.   I know many sexy women and they’re awesome!  Emily for example,  has bosoms and hips to kill for.  Seriously, I think several men have died because of them.   I have other friends who are always considered to be sexy with a capital “S.”  Sometimes I look at shots of them and go, “Wow! Can I be that for a day?”  But you know they have days they want something else too.  Grass is always greener and all, am I right? 

And the good thing about being as un-graceful, clumsy, and awkward as me?  I always get a laugh!

Tell me, what’s something you love about yourself?  Leave a comment and let’s get the love fest started!

Quote of Today:
“It’s always better when you’re a Cylon.”

Tuesday In Review: David’s Tea

Okay, so far I’ve been reviewing only things I really like.  And I know I should review things I don’t as well, but right now I have a plethora of things I enjoy and I’d rather share those with you first.

Disclaimer:  I’m a huge tea aficionado!  I looooove tea. 

I’d love to review all of David’s Teas, but well I don’t own them all, nor do I have the resources to own them all.  So hey David’s Tea, if you’re reading this and you’d like me to review your teas one by one or in groups send me a packet and I’d love to do so.   Now with that shameless self promotion aside, let’s get to it shall we?

David’s Tea in general:  A hip, urban loose leaf tea shop.  It’s clean, bright, filled with knowledgeable young staff and provides a simple but good product.  By simple, I mean it provides just tea and tea accessories.  It’s a specialty shop, but with a Starbucks kind of feel.  There are several specialty tea shops in my neighborhood *I know, where do I live right?*  but I always go here.

I go here because for several reasons.  First, the place is very bright and clean with large windows, and provides plenty of space for customers to mill around *especially helpful when you have a stroller* Some other specialty places look dark, or are small and unfortunately I can not enter with a stroller occupied by a curious mind and two busy hands that will take that beautiful teapot and smash it on the ground given the opportunity.

Second, they have great deals and selection.  I bought this tumbler because it comes with an amazing incentive.  You buy it and get your first tea free, then every time you come back with it you get your choice of their on tap teas for only $1.  So really, it pays for itself in three visits – not counting the first one where you bought it.  Companies really underestimate the value of incentives, and that’s another reason the other shops are bypassed – they offer no incentive to come in.  

And lastly, customer service.  I had a service issue *won’t go into detail*  and when I voiced my dissatisfaction I was taken seriously and offered a customer appreciation.  That’s important.  I want to go to a company that really cares about it’s reputation and customer base.

This would really all be for naught if the product was shoddy.  But it’s not.  The tea is always of great quality and whatever you get, it’s very flavorful.  I’m not a fan of every tea, but I can’t deny that each one has a distinct aroma and flavor.  And that’s why, despite the slightly hipster rep of David’s Tea *which I’m not a huge fan of*, I’ll continue to go there and enjoy their tea.


 Oops!  I forgot to add my True Story to my previous post.  So I found something interesting to share with you so I could also add my True Story.

I came across this article today and I have to say I find it fascinating.  I also find myself reading Mormon blogs though not a Mormon myself.  I’m married and a mother and I find that a lot of blogs I read are either demeaning to these two roles, or just unappreciative of them, and a lot of Mommy blogs are often focused too much on the negative.  I’m an educated woman who works both in and outside of the home and I’m also one of the few women in my social circle that has become both a wife and a mother.  So, I find these blogs to be a great place to share the joys I feel about both and to receive support from women who are in a similar place.  Though personally Mormonism is not for me, and I take certain things with a grain of salt, I appreciate the focus on the positive and the celebration of simple joys.  And that’s why I’ll keep reading.

True Story:
This morning I came in to wake Baby up and found her lying in her crib surrounded by diapers *clean ones she had pulled off a shelf*  Cute in itself.  the cuteness continued when I reached down and found that she herself was diaper-less.  She had pulled it off and tossed it over the edge of her crib.  haha!
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