Category :Uncategorized

Little White Dresses

Perhaps it says something about me that I’m drawn to little white dresses like a moth to a flame lately.

Leather Nerd: Wearing Leather Pants with Star Wars

Every Winter, no matter how mild the Winter, there’s this anticipation.

No Outfit, Just Thoughts

You just pour yourself a little scotch and sit down to the computer. 


The last bit of our packed day was a gorgeous boat ride through the mangroves.

A Packed Day!

The second day in Cuba was full of fun experiences.

A Friend is a Gem

There’s nothing better than sitting down with someone knew over a coffee.

Rumi, Poo, and Threesomes

We all take ourselves very seriously. Too seriously.

Fresh Start with a Fresh Year

My energy has been so low these holidays.

Happy New Year!!!

Hope you all had an exciting, and safe, New Years Eve! Wishing you a speedy recovery from last night. Drink lots of water.
Much love!

New Years Eve Plans

Tonight’s the night.

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