Category :Uncategorized

Oshawa Center Holiday *Giveaway!*

The holidays are here. And I have to say, that even though I love giving gifts, I’m not usually one who enjoys shopping.

Sartorial Rabbit Hole of Joy, or Lyst

I’ve recently been going down the best rabbit hole ever. And I do mean that. I’ve been spending time on Lyst. It’s seriously like a fashionista’s online Mecca.

Other Days

Some days I like to chat with people and share, and have boundless laughs and energy.

Truly The Best Gift

An evening spent with two friends.
Both of whom respect me, accept me, and love me.


It was a friend’s birthday party. A party where you’re supposed to bring an appetizer to share with everyone.

Without A Care…

….I dance.


“Individuality is not an end in itself; it is something that must enter into fructifying contact with the world, and in so doing must lose its separateness. An individuality which is kept in a glass case withers, whereas one that is freely expended in human contacts becomes enriched.”  – Bertrand Russell

Splendor in the Leaves

Don’t worry, I haven’t been to an asylum or lost the love of my life *Splendor in the Grass reference not withstanding*

Hey Sports Fans? *A Parody*

So a girlfriend told me about this woman that does parodies of sports shirts. They parody the team logo and name. I, of course, bought the one for the Toronto Blue Jays.

Exposure – Or Paying Artists, One Fashion Bloggers Rant

Let’s be honest. Many of you who are online a lot have probably heard of Essena O’Neill and how she quit her instagram modelling account and came clean about the back deals with companies to promote brands.

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