If you haven’t noticed I’m a gallows humor and sarcastic type of person. And naturally, I have to be partnered with someone who gets my dark gallows humor and understands my sarcasm otherwise it would go deeply, deeply wrong. So here’s a little snap shot of ridiculous conversations that occur in my house late at night. To paint the picture, imagine us smirking and dripping with sarcasm throughout.
Me: I was really shocked that I’ve been up before you the last two days. What’s going on?
Him: Yeah I know, you’ve had to make your own coffee the last two mornings.
Me: I know. It’s horrible. I can’t deal with it.
Him: It’s terrible. However are you going to survive?
Me: Well, I don’t think I have a choice. I think I have to leave you for a man who’ll make me morning coffee.
Him completely non-plussed: You know our coffee maker has a timer right? You can set it?
Me: Well I guess you should get on that as I don’t think I have any other recourse.
Tank – Spell Designs
Jeans – F21
Belt – Lucky Brand
Shoes – Clarks
Nora Gouma
September 20, 2017Pretty outfit, I love your adorable top with lovely colors. Thank you for sharing, you look stunning!!!
September 20, 2017Thank you for visiting! The support is so appreciated