Botany and Lace Tank – c/o Ever+Mi Crush  //  Shorts – Ruche (old)  // Shoes – Payless  //  Sunnies & Jewelry – F21

When I took these pictures I had already been biking for two hours, so pardon the wrinkled shorts.  What’s worse is that since it’s so hot and humid, the entire backside of my shorts was soaked with sweat.  Gross, I know.  Sorry.   That’s why you aren’t seeing any pics of this top from behind.  But the tank has this cool crochet back and that kept my back nice and airy.  So bonus for bikers!

As I entered the house, my mom looked at me and said, “Cool!  Where did you get that top?”  Usually when she says that it means she wants one. So yeah, my mom might be sporting this top ’round the neighborhood soon.

And that means that at some point we will be wearing the same thing at the same time. *Don’t worry I’ll take a picture of that if it happens!*  What I wish I could convey to you in photos is how detailed and intricate this top is.  It’s one of those pieces that you happen upon once in a while and then treasure for years to come.

Pretty much most of the Ever+Mi Crush selection is kind of like this.  Uh-oh.  But yay! 

p.s. a few days left to enter my pretty rad giveaway.

*linking up with Style Sessions*