Category :Beige

A Bunch of Skinny Trees

I know this is going to sound weird….


It’s finally here. Spring.

Everyday Modern Watch – Giveaway

In our fast paced, convenience heavy world, everything is single use and disposable. Which means nothing lasts or is meant to last. And I abhor that.


There’s a coffee shop near us. It’s cute, friendly, and is our little morning date spot.


“I do not think it means, what you think it means.” – Inigo Montoya

Tuesdays, Am I Right?

Most people have a problem with Mondays…

Beggars Can’t Be Choosers

Especially when they’re parents. 

So I Finally Broke It

Well, it was bound to happen. But here let me share my freak story with you….

Crochet and Buying Clothes Online

If I have a serious weakness, it’s that of crochet dresses.

Clothes Carry the Threads of Us

This may sound silly to you, but clothes for me hold a lot of memory, a lot of feeling.

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