Category :Vintage

In A Period Piece

Want me to share a current obsession with you? Okay here it is: Poldark.


Everyone seems to care about numbers these days: how many likes did this get? How many followers do I have? How many new followers did I get? How many does she have? 

Spiritual Kick in The Ass

It was a stressful week. It’s also going to be a very stressful week. *send good vibes for the major things happening*

Vintage Shopping Spree: Trinity Bellwoods Yard Sale

So it’s well established by now that I don’t do malls or shops very well at all.


Well it’s official, my latest obsession is velvet. Can’t get enough of this luxe fabric. 

Just Do

“Ah, life is a gate, a way, a path to Paradise anyway, why not live for fun and joy and love or some sort of girl by a fireside, why not go to your desire and Laugh…” – Kerouac

This is a Profound Post About Caffeine

I haven’t had caffeine for about a day and a half. My head wants to explode,

Put On That Dress

I went camping last week, as you may know if you follow on insta, but that did not mean that I put away my pretty pretty dresses.


I mentioned a while back that I’m working on growth in terms of self love and feeling beautiful.

Ooh La La!

Though I am the clearance queen, as established already, sometimes a girl has to treat herself.

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