Category :Stripes

So I Finally Broke It

Well, it was bound to happen. But here let me share my freak story with you….

Don’t Take

When I saw this wall, I knew I had to shoot in front of it. Why? Because I love the idea of ‘don’t take’ – and in my mind the thought is completed with ‘give.’

Not A Fall Fan: An Unpopular Opinion

I know. Everyone loves Fall. I don’t.

Yes, This is About Climate Change

This month Toronto experienced some serious flooding from the huge storms we’ve had.

World Cup Starts!

This weekend was a busy one.

That Romantic Word

He left on a business trip. Driving for a long time.  He called me from the road to talk…

Not a f**kin’ poet, but fancy myself a thinker.

It’s a fascinating word isn’t it? It holds a lifetime worth of promise, yet is completely non existent.

My PhotoBomber

When you’re a mom who blogs about fashion, it means that you often have a ‘little helper.’

Parisian Stripes?

I rarely, if ever, wear stripes. It’s just not my thing.

My Simple Work Outfit

No profound wisdom or thoughts to impart here.

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