Category :Midis


I had a chance to catch up with a friend. She has struggled at times. At times with health, other times with love.

Scrolling Through Instagram

I scroll. We all do. If you say you don’t, you’re a liar. I do it first thing in the morning. But I have a routine.

Polish at a Ukrainian Festival

This weekend was the Polish Festival in Roncesvalles, and while I considered going there, the oppressive heat kept us from making the trek. Instead,

A Few Hours in Brooklyn

Recently I found myself in Brooklyn for a couple of days.

Clothes Carry the Threads of Us

This may sound silly to you, but clothes for me hold a lot of memory, a lot of feeling.

Yin and Yang

When you walk through a field at sunset, you mind settles. Don’t you find that? I do.

The Long Way ‘Round

“I’ve got a ticket for the long way round….two bottle a’whiskey for the road….”

The Ice Queen Thaweth

Certain things really stress us out: health, work, and love. They do so for a good reason. They’re important things that matter and affect us greatly. Certain other things….

Soak It All Up

It is sunny. It is warm. Oh my gosh, I never thought the day would come.

Selfies vs. Self Portraits (Hate vs. Love)

I told you it was coming. I warned you it was coming. I promised, and so here it is: my thoughts on the selfie.

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