Category :Looks

Maverick and Iceman

These are the sunglasses that had Husband referencing Top Gun.
Cardi – F21; Shirt – Puella; Jeans – Guess; Belt – thrifted; Shoes – AE

Husband called me Maverick and this little punk Iceman.

When I finally got dressed  *which wasn’t until after lunch because I wanted to run and it took that long to squish it into my day* I knew I should wear a dress to continue the challenge, but the truth is that I didn’t feel like it at all.  Also, I had rehearsal at my house for a web series I’m in at my house and I just didn’t feel that a vintage-esque dress would help me get into the mood I wanted.  Fashion is all about mood, and I wanted to be relaxed and neutral so that I could transition into whatever atmosphere I wanted to.

So, during my run, I balled my eyes out.  Seriously, I was full out wailing on the treadmill and during my stretches.  I was watching Criminal Minds, and it was an episode about a mother who has a psychotic break on the anniversary of her baby son’s death.  And I was balling, because I can totally see that being me.  Not the killing people part, but the complete breakdown part.  I can’t even imagine having to go through something like that.  And I truly hope that I never have to.  I’m not sure I’d be strong enough.

What’s your worst nightmare?

On a different note, I re-watched an episode of Community today…still as good as the first time.

Dress 72: Twirly-Whirly Photoshoots

My dress is twirly!

And juummpy!!

Jacket – Jacob; Cardi – Esprit; Dress – Spotted Moth; Tights – Hue; Shoes – AE

Guess what?  My dress is Twirly-Whirly!  It’s skippy!  And it’s jumpy!  *or more, I’m jumpy and skippy and twirly-whirly when I’m wearing it* Yay!

The sun came out today,  the weather didn’t rise to meet it, but still that’s something.  I had a lovely day today.  It started off with fresh coffee and a photoshoot with a very talented photographer.  He shot my new headshots.  I saw some of the rough ones – the ones that have not been color corrected or anything – and even they looked amazing!  *and I’m not usually one to say that shots of me look amazing….trust me I’m not*  I’m seriously excited to get the edited versions so that I can show you.

And all you Toronto actors/singers/musicians, email me and I’ll hook you up with this amazing guy!

I had a lovely, quiet lunch out by myself.  Good food and a book.  Mmmmm….doesn’t get any better.

On the way to tea with a fabulous female, I saw this festive balcony above a busy shopping street.  Just had to share it with you.

Don’t you just love the X-mas tree in April??

True Story: Husband asked to borrow my new Britney Spears – Femme Fatale.  This is why I love him. He’s such a femme fatale *wink,wink…love you honey*

Dress 71: Hope Your Day Is Good

Dress – H&M; Belt – thrifted; Leggings – F21; Socks – ?

Sorry guys, I’m feeling really unmotivated today *I couldn’t even put on make-up and I spent half the day in pajamas*.  Maybe it’s the weather…it has been cold and rainy here for quite a while and everyone is wondering where Spring has got herself to.  So I don’t have much to say, except that wherever you are I hope you’re well!

True Story:  Baby had such a massive dump she woke herself up with it.  And it leaked through all her clothes, into her blanket and her sheets!  I know that’s gross, but all the Mama’s out there are nodding, “Yup, been there done that.”  I know.  I can see you.

Dress 70: Pardon The Lunacy Of This Unhappy Camper

Cardi – H&M; Shirt – from Mom; Dress – F21

Seriously!  What is up with the weather here??? Spring was well on it’s way with sunshine and warm breezes and all of a sudden we have flurries and weather in the negative degrees celsius.  I am not a happy camper.  

I’m also very tired today, so pardon the raving lunacy.

That’s it.  I’m done for today.  Better stop writing before I say something stark raving mad.

See y’all tomorrow!

So Excited For Summer!

Hat – Ruche

Summer is just around the corner.  And I can’t wait until it arrives!  I look forward to landscaping and garening, and generally making the outside of our house as beautiful as the inside.  But I also can’t wait to see Baby running around a sprinkler or in and out of her wading pool smiling her toothy grin the whole time.  I purchased this hat with summer in mind *the wide brim to keep the sun off my face* and now everytime I look at it I think, “Come on already Summer!”

Dress 69: Waves Of Excitement And Rest

Cardi – H&M; Dress – Esprit; Leggings – F21; Boots – First
Today is a grey and black outfit for a grey and black day for a grey and black mood. 
I have to say I’m tired.  The last week has been really busy, in a great way.  It has been full of experiences and opportunities and laughs and excitement.  But it drains me.  I’m not a person that thrives on craziness and being around lots of people all day every single day.  I need my long runs and my solitude and that has been lacking.  So today’s outfit reflects my feelings.  
I have one final meeting that I’m really excited about  *potential for greatness abounds here* and then an on-air shift tonight where I get to chat to all the lovely people at home.  And then three whole days of quiet.  Just me and Baby and the treadmill. 
Don’t get me wrong, I love exciting weeks like this past one. 
I need those times. 
But I’m also ready for a few days of rest.

Dress 68: Does This Annoy You?

Jacket – Jacob; Sweater – made by my Babcia; Dress – Ruche; Leggings – F21; Boots – Ruche; Bag – Matt by Matt&Nat.

I had a lovely morning to myself of editing photos, catching up on Criminal Minds and just plain old bumming around the house.  In the afternoon we went to Le Scandinave Spa.  It’s beautiful and relaxing place where you can enjoy a sauna, a steam room, outdoor heated pools and cool pools.  You basically sit around for hours in one place or another.

Now, it’s lovely. And Emily finds it very relaxing.  But I’m a very active individual.  I can’t sit still in one place for too long.  I get bored, antsy, fidgety, and then down-right annoying when I have nothing to do.  Needless to say, I kind of annoyed Emily.  Especially when she made me sit in the silent sauna and I got so fidgety that I unconciously started drumming on the boards with my fingers and she had to stop me.

So, though I enjoyed the experience as I’d never done anything like that before, I wouldn’t go back.  To me relaxing is a 10 mile hike, an hour massage, and a good meal.  Or a 10 mile run, followed by the other two.

It was time to head home.  I’ve enjoyed my time away, but I was just as happy to come home, and look at my little girl sleeping sweetly with her cute bum in the air.  I missed her.  I missed them all.

Dress 67: So Far Today’s A Really Nice Day

Sweater – made by my Babcia; Dress – bought in Valencia, Spain; Belt – AE; Boots – Ruche; Earrings – F21

I’m sitting here finishing my coffee as the sun streams in through the windows.  Don’t let that fool you, it’s cold. 

Today, I’ve had a chance to edit photos and finish an episode of Criminal Minds.  So yeah, I’m having a nice morning. 

I thought I’d post these outfit shots that I promised you yesterday. 

More road trip posts to come!

Dress 66: A Dress You Can Bike In

I’ve decided to grow out my bangs after all.  Don’t worry though, I’ll keep plenty of layers.

Close-up of the scarf and necklace I wore.
Jacket – Jacob; Scarf – Ruche; Dress – Ruche; Tights – Hue; Loafers – AE

Today I had an audition, and faced with the choice of either riding the TTC for 40 minutes or biking for 15, I chose the later.  But I still wanted to look cute.  So today’s outfit was put together because of the practicalities of biking.  I needed thick tights to protect my pasty legs from the cold and also make sure my derriere was completely covered should a gust of wind come along and blow my dress up.  Also, I needed flat comfy shoes…I just can not bike in heels.  If you can, I applaud you.

On a side note, the little owl necklace belonged to my mother.  When I was a teenager I asked her if I could take it, and it has been a favorite of mine ever since.  I’ve always liked owls, especially this one.

True Story:  When one does it, the other has to shove their dirty little mug in too!  

The Afterthoughts Of Motherhood

Scarf – H&M; Top – Smart Set; Jeans – Guess
I’d be lying if I said I got dressed today.  
I didn’t do more than put on a top and a pair of jeans, and wrap a scarf around me as an afterthought.  
I couldn’t even be bothered to put on make-up.  
Okay, that’s a lie: I put on under-eye concealer.  
No one needs to see those bags!
Working an on-air shift until midnight 
Baby starting to teeth *again*
less than 5 hours of interrupted sleep.
Aahh…the joys of motherhood.
*sarcasm fully intended*
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