Cardi – H&M; Dress – Esprit; Leggings – F21; Boots – First
Today is a grey and black outfit for a grey and black day for a grey and black mood. 
I have to say I’m tired.  The last week has been really busy, in a great way.  It has been full of experiences and opportunities and laughs and excitement.  But it drains me.  I’m not a person that thrives on craziness and being around lots of people all day every single day.  I need my long runs and my solitude and that has been lacking.  So today’s outfit reflects my feelings.  
I have one final meeting that I’m really excited about  *potential for greatness abounds here* and then an on-air shift tonight where I get to chat to all the lovely people at home.  And then three whole days of quiet.  Just me and Baby and the treadmill. 
Don’t get me wrong, I love exciting weeks like this past one. 
I need those times. 
But I’m also ready for a few days of rest.