So for a while now, I’ve been dealing with a physical issue. One that has caused me chronic pain, and is not fun. As part of the healing plan, I’ve been guzzling liters and liters of water and herbal teas. I’ve stopped drinking alcohol (had two drinks all month) and coffee (have had three cups all month). And I’m not here to talk about my own health issues, but I am here to chat about the fringe benefits of cutting out all those things and guzzling water. And there are many benefits.
My energy has leveled out. My sleep is better – when my own brain isn’t plaguing me. My skin has been incredible, yes I still struggle with minor adult acne and dull skin. And physically my body is more toned and defined.
So may I suggest to anyone who’s struggling with anything to cut out alcohol *as yummy as it is* and coffee, and take to drinking obscene amounts of herbal teas and water? Trust me, after two weeks, you’ll really notice a huge normalizing and a much better physical you. Emotionally and mentally, you’re on your own. *sarcasm, of course*
Jacket – Elie Tahari via Coco’s Closet in Toronto
Jeans – Gap
Top – Tahari, hand me down
Boots – Matisse Footwear
Necklace – bought in Spain over a decade ago