Category :Gray

Boredom and Nature

“The special kind of boredom from which modern urban populations suffer is intimately bound up with their separation from the life of Earth.” Bertrand Russell

The Wet Season

Well thus far it’s been a highly interesting Autumn here. Lots of rain, and wetness, not a lot of the leaves crunching under foot and sunshine.

Beggars Can’t Be Choosers

Especially when they’re parents. 

English Tale

Some days I like to imagine I’m in some epically grandiose English tale. 

So I Finally Broke It

Well, it was bound to happen. But here let me share my freak story with you….

What We Choose to See…

…is often far from the truth.

Don’t Take

When I saw this wall, I knew I had to shoot in front of it. Why? Because I love the idea of ‘don’t take’ – and in my mind the thought is completed with ‘give.’


I had a chance to catch up with a friend. She has struggled at times. At times with health, other times with love.


…don’t tell. Don’t tell anyone that you love them.

Back To School, It Brings More Projects

Well, it’s full into the swing of school.

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