Category :Cream

Positivity and Other Crap

I know that on social media, and publicly I guess, we’re supposed to be all about positivity. But aren’t there days when you just want to scream?

My Sustainable Life: Liquor Store Trip

Sustainability, zero-waste: these are all slogans we throw around. But I’m really doing my best to move towards this.

A Storm Brewing, a Vintage Dress, and A Winery

The sky was dramatic, think “Wuthering Heights” dramatic. It was somewhere between ‘teenage angst’ and ‘existential crisis’;

So Cold!

We’ve had a ridiculous amount of super cold days. Lots of cold weather alerts in Toronto.

Be Childlike, Not Childish

Here’s a quote from a great little book that I return to every once in a while, Zen and the Art of Falling in Love:

Snow Cold

It’s around this time of year that the phrase, “Why do I live where the air hurts my face?” gets circulated daily.

Happy Birthday To Me!

I’ve said before that it’s always been really hard to have a birthday right between Christmas and New Years,

That Which Makes You Smile

Florals are fantastic for Spring, totally appropriate for Summer, nostalgic in Autumn, and absolutely necessary in Winter.

My Ears, Her Ears

It throws me for a loop to see things about me that I never liked all that much, look oh so cute on my girl.

This is a Profound Post About Caffeine

I haven’t had caffeine for about a day and a half. My head wants to explode,

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