Category :Brown


When the landscape around me gets austere with the death that Winter brings, all I want to do is layer texture and life into my clothes.


Best of all an honest understanding of what is within our control provides real clarity about the world: all we have is our own minda. Remember that today when you try to extend your reach outward – that it’s much better and more appropriately directed inward.” The Daily Stoic

It’s Officially….

…”it’s f**king freezing” weather. 

You Don’t Need It

You don’t need anything. Trust me. Empty that online shopping cart. Forget that new ‘miracle’ cream. You don’t need it. It won’t make your life better. It won’t make you look like Giselle.

Don’t Be a Thrift Store Snob

Thrift shops, donations bins, charity shops, charity sales, etc. etc. Whatever you want to name them, they don’t have the same high brow ring as ‘Vintage Shop.’ But who the f**k cares?

Couldn’t Stop Laughing

One day we walked to swimming, and on the way I stopped with my Girl to take some outfit shots.

Beggars Can’t Be Choosers

Especially when they’re parents. 

Nourishment in One Place

“As in childhood, they become fixated on one person, whom they see as their sole source of well-being. They transfer this desperate attitude to their relationships, believing all of their nourishment can be provided by one person only: their particular mate” – Zen and the Art of Falling in Love.

Positivity and Other Crap

I know that on social media, and publicly I guess, we’re supposed to be all about positivity. But aren’t there days when you just want to scream?

English Tale

Some days I like to imagine I’m in some epically grandiose English tale. 

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