Monday night I met up with some friends and we pointed guns at each other. You know, what everyone does on a Monday. Actually, they were foam guns that are part of a robber heist game, the first of many games played that night. Snakes & Lattes is awesome! I get to hang out with friends, play awesome games and drink an almond milk latte! Perfect night! What’s even better? I won one of the games! Boo-yah! *yes, I said it*
You know that web series I’m doing, Posthuman? Well, we shot another episode recently. I wasn’t in this one *you’re disappointed, I know* but I did show up on set to see what went down and grab a few behind the scenes videos and pics. For more pictures – check out my acting site.
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Top – thrifted; Dress & Socks – Ruche (sold out, but available at Modcloth) ; Tights – Hue; Shoes – Clarks; Pinwheel pin – c/o Blue Eyed Owl. |
I wanted to wear something fun and innocent today, and for some reason lately I’m reaching for bold blues, or radiant reds, so it was only natural that at some point I would combine the two. I need to thank the two fabulous make-up artists, Jessica and Francesca, on the set of my recent film shoot *here and here* for showing my that I can indeed where bright red lipstick despite my thinner than desired lips. Oh and by the way, I’m loving this neutral eye palette I recently got, it goes amazing with everything! Today I wore Virgin, Sidecar, and Darkhorse.
This royal blue dress has become a beloved item in my closet, and whenever I wear it simply can not resist the urge to wear these gorgeous pins I received from Liz from the Blue Eyed Owl. It’s like they were made for each other.
p.s. if you like this look, please go here and ‘like’ it for the world to see. Thanks!
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Me as “Dr. Martha MacTagger” on the set of Writer’s Room. |
Remember how I told you I’m on set for the next three days on a film? Well, check out my acting blog for some fun behind-the-scenes shots. The first day went really well. We ran a little behind, but that’s normal, and I had a blast working with the crew. But I do have to give a big shout out to the make-up and hair department for making a great ’60s look. They’ll be plenty more shots from the next few days as well.
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Shirt – AE; Sweater – F21; Jeans – Guess; Shoes – Payless. |
How much do I love the fact that I’m wearing nerdy chic with ripped jeans? A lot! It’s so much fun to mix styles and patterns together that “shouldn’t” go together. Like the fact that I’m wearing a checkered shirt with a poodle sweater. I read a great tip today in December’s Marie Claire about mixing prints: “Lay out the items that you plan to mix. Now squint your eyes. Each item should remain separate and distinct when examined in this way.” Isn’t that a great little tip?
I’m on set for the next three days, so I’m going to try to keep posting, but you’ll forgive me if I’m a little lax about it until Monday, right? I’ll be sure to have lots of pictures for you to see over on my acting site.
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Jacket – Smart Set; Dress – Ruche; Tights – Hue; Boots – Petite Pied. |
This agent search has been pretty interesting so far. I got an email from one agency which was actually quite brusque and another from a very large agency that was actually very professional and polite. I appreciated the president of the large agency taking the time to write me one or two sentences to let me know where they’re at. Now, I’m hopeful that something good will come of it, but I’m also of the mind that you plan for the worst, but hope for the best. So right now, I’m not sure what I’m planning for but I’m keeping my umbrella up!
But what’s been really interesting is the people who have come to my support. I reached out to friends and fellow actors, and help has come from the most surprising places. Whereas it’s been absent from sources I would’ve thought would be forthcoming. Funny how that always happens eh? On the whole though, I’m blessed to have people around me who support and encourage me. And regardless of the end result, this process has made me touch base and discover new people. Something positive just has to come out of that!
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Top – Everhart *on Bloor West in Toronto*; Leggings – Lululemon; Boots – Feet First; Necklaces – F21. |
I know I said that I want to avoid wearing Lulus, but when they’re used as the leggings in an outfit I think that doesn’t count. It only counts if the Lulus are paired with a hoodie, t-shirt, or any other yoga paraphernelia. I can’t help it if they make really great leggings!
Finally got sleep in about…oh, two weeks. Feels better but I’m in no way at top form yet. But I’m trying to take it easy on the number of projects I take on in the next three weeks and focusing instead on trying to get a new agent. I haven’t done the agent search in years and years, and you’d think this time around it’d be easier with all my experience, and the fact that I have a steady hosting job on a Tv channel, but no. Frustrating to say the least. I feel the professional acting community in Toronto is quite frightened, and I’m not quite sure why. If we all just help each other all of us would rise. I think that’s a better option than all of us sinking together with maybe one person floating.
Now this doesn’t mean I won’t be doing anything, just not the same level of activity as before. In the meantime, I’m editing some more shots, and reaching out to people. I think what I need right now is a brief respite. Maybe take a few days to breathe and just be. And pray that everything will be all right.
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Top – H&M; Scarf – street stand; Jeans – Gap; Boots – Feet First; bag – F21 with sewn on patches. |
So you know how you get all dressed with hair and make-up and then take the outfit shots? Well, that’s not what I did at all. I got dressed with hair and some make-up then tramped around getting rained on for hours, kneeling in goose poo, using my scarf as a cover for my camera and as a seat for my models on wet and dirt, and rolling in the sand on a beach… then took the outfit shots. Smart no? But then my concern was to have a great shoot and get some great photos *which I did* and not so much how I looked afterwards. At the end, the camera was turned on me momentarily to take these fabulous pics for you.
The shoot I did was an engagement shoot for an amazing couple. And I’m really excited to start editing and show you some of the great images I captured *if I do say so myself*
I have to get some rest first, ’cause today I shot a PSA for domestic violence. So I was yelled at, had my hair pulled and then I was slapped by the man playing my husband. It was crazy awesome how weak, broke down, and beat up I looked on camera. Yay for special effects make-up! When they send me some shots of that, I’ll be sure to show you how the wonders of make-up change everything. And the guy playing my husband had the most amazing angry face! It was so wonderful to act opposite that ’cause it was really scary at times. But he himself was so nice and easy to talk to. Plus, we wrapped early. Bonus!
Tomorrow, another shoot!
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Top – Ruche; Jeans – Gap; Boots – Feet First. |
I’m really kind of pumped for the next three days. I’m doing a Movieola live shift tonight, then on no sleep I’m popping down to Center Island to shoot an engagement shoot for a fabulous couple followed by possibly meeting up and talking shop with a really talented actress. Then Friday I’m shooting a domestic violence PSA, finishing off with TAing an acting class on Saturday and doing a fun creative photoshoot on Saturday night *this time with me as the model*. Crazy! But I’m really pumped about all this fun activity. As you can tell by the verbal spewage that just occurred.
And on another totally fun note, are you as excited by the new TV season as me? I’m watching all the premieres of my favorite shows and finding some new ones. Loved Community, and am looking forward to House on Monday. What about you? Have you seen Pan-Am? I haven’t. Would you reccomend it?
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Shirt – thrifted; Jeans – Mavi; Sandals – Zellers. |
It’s so hot and humid here, I can barely stand it. But I’m trying every which way I can to stay cool. That may or may not include wearing as little clothes as possible in the house – I’m not going on record as saying anything!
I picked up the white shirt above in NYC at a thrift store. I’ve had my eye on this shirt from Ruche, but when I found something similar for only about $9 I was sold! I love how loose and breezy it is. And yes, I’ve failed miserably in the ‘no shopping’ department when I was in NYC. But hey, it’s NYC. And generally, I’ve gotten a lot better. Not great, mind you, but better.
Oh and guess what?!? I’ve finally made my official appearance in the web series I’m working on. And I’m a suspicious character in black. Love it! Check out the latest episode below, and go here to see previous episodes and behind-the-scenes. Let me know what you think! *but be nice/constructive please*