Mirror Lake

As much as I love rich and lively turquoise water, there is something very special about the gray mirror stillness of a lake on a cloudy day.

Drake, King of the Cottage

Drake, living his best life at the cottage.

Lazy Sunsets

The laziness of Summer sunsets is what I live for.

No Right to My Time

You’re just doing your day. Enjoying the sunshine, and taking some pictures.

As a Host

On the flip side, as a host,

Bring a Gift

Most of this comes from the Iliza book, but is expanded and expounded on by me:

Unsolicited Email

OMG, what is it about companies emailing us? Follow me on this journey:

Chillin’ Like a Villian.

When someone is relaxing, we eyeroll. Or we smirk. Often, we judge people – specifically women – for just chillin’.

Like it’s something bad to stop hustling and stop pushing. You know it’s literally necessary, right? Like you’re not supposed to workout every day because bodies need recovery. You sleep at the end of the day because your body needs recovery. After an intense lecture, you need to zone out at the sky. So if you’re working working working, you literally need rest because your brain and body both need to unclench very much.

Dress – Thrills Co.
Boots – vintage


“There are voices out there reminding you that you are never quite doing life right. And those voices are there by design. Because the more you doubt your path, what you have, and what you want, the easier it is to sell you more crap.” All Things Aside by Iliza Schlesinger.

Thinking of You

We all know the sincere message of “Thinking of You.”

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