Category :Lifestyle

Clean House

With how much I’ve been working, and how little they notice it, the house was an absolute nightmare.

Freddie Mercury

Halloween. Time for a costume.

Coming Clean

Time to come clean. Over the last little while, I’ve been making my way through our health care system because I had some symptoms and it led me to discover a large mass in my neck.

Furry House Guest

We had that lovely trouble making, cute, cuddly house guest again.


The world sleeps but I’m awake. Slowly, I deliriously make my way out the door and head out.

Comments on the Net

Comments on the internet. Yes, you all know where I’m going with this. I recently had an interesting encounter.

Deal with It

The acting industry. Huh, this is a hard one. A friend and I were talking and he said a profound truth: the whole industry is set up to ‘deal with’ you.

Individual Rights

“We have been infected with a set of ideas that has weakened us.


Anytime a deep fog descends on us, I think of The Mist.

Childish Self

My look when someone says, “Just be mindful and look inward to your authentic self.”

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