Yesterday was my Girl’s ballet recital. Now this is the little girl who wouldn’t go into class at the start of the term. The little girl who just two days before the show during a mini performance for the parents, ran into my lap and not only refused to dance, but cried when the teacher tried to take her back to the group.
I was terrified. I was sure she wouldn’t get up there and dance. I was positive that we had all bought tickets and a costume and spent hours looking forward to what would never happen.
The family, all six of us, made sure to sit where she wouldn’t see us after we dropped her with for the volunteers.
When her class was next I was shaking. I grabbed my camera and snaked closer to grab some shots, but the entire time I wasn’t sure there would be anything to take pictures of.
They started and she ran out third just as she was supposed to. You have no idea how proud I was of her at that moment. My camera was shaking the rest of her dance because I was so happy and excited. It’s ridiculous how happy and proud she made me by going out there and dancing with her class.
We ordered the DVD.
Frannie Pantz
December 16, 2013Aw what a special moment! I loved going to my niece's recital. I also love your concert tee and boots!
Joanna Haughton
December 17, 2013It was perfect. She was just perfect – cute, awkward, and absolutely having a great time.
December 18, 2013How sweet!! Also, looove that shirt. I want it!
Joanna Haughton
December 19, 2013Thanks Chantal! And I know, right? It's a pretty sweet shirt. When I saw it I nabbed it immediately. The FireFly nerd in my could not resist.
In a trendy town
December 18, 2013Very original combination of burgundy and brown!
Joanna Haughton
December 19, 2013Thanks so much
Emily-Marie Sandy
December 24, 2013Love your style!
I love your description of your daughter's recital and your reaction.
I'm your newest GFC follower. Would love if you came by and visited me too.
Joanna Haughton
December 25, 2013Pardon my tardiness. Toronto was hit with a huge ice storm that knocked out our power for four days. We've only gotten back online today. Thanks so much. You're very kind, and I truly appreciate it. Going to go check out your site now