Summer hit with the full force of hot and humid. And while everyone was complaining, I was like, “Yes!!!”
He left on a business trip. Driving for a long time. He called me from the road to talk…
I’ve started writing. I know, it’s not news. I’ve been writing here for eons. No, that’s not what I mean.
Every once in a while, probably once or twice a year, I’ll hold a clothing sale.
“But no one else can clean the messes that we’ve made in our own lives and relationships. We have to be willing to get in there, without hating the garbage, without blaming ourselves or the other, and simply clean.” – Zen and the Art of Falling in Love.
Well it’s official, my latest obsession is velvet. Can’t get enough of this luxe fabric.
It’s around this time of year that the phrase, “Why do I live where the air hurts my face?” gets circulated daily.
Well, going off my previous post, I could stay silent and politely fade away.
When you sit by a lake, with a cup of tea, and some good company you realize
What do you do when you’re in the middle of a weird warm Fall reaching temperatures of 30 degrees and you’re a freelancer?