Category :Vests

Free Spirited and Willful Child


I love that my girl is strong willed and free spirited. But does she have to be soooo strong willed and free spirited?  About bed time? And about food?  And about, oh well, everything??? It’s like corralling sheep where the sheep are baring their teeth, not listening, have spikes on their hides, and laser beams shooting at you from their heads.  It’s just like that.

She’s freakin’ cute and sweet as hell, but when that other side comes out, watch out! Plus, you know there’s only so many questions a woman can answer in a day before that questioning inflection at the end of a sentence makes your brains explode.

Obviously, I love that she’s very inquisitive, but dear Lord do I breathe a sigh of relief once she goes to bed and I have no more questions being pelted at me in rapid fire succession.

Pass the wine.




Vest – H&M  //  Cardi – Old Navy  //  Dress – Ruche  //  Boots – Aldo  //  Socks – F21  //  Necklace – FreePeople

Sartorial Minimalism?


I look at minimalist outfits a lot…wistfully so. Wishing that my closet consisted of clean black, white, grays – it seems like such an effortless chic sartorial existence. But then you know what?  I am immediately drawn to color pattern, embroidery, fringe, and what could be called a sartorially bold choice for the everyday. This vest.  Most people would not grab it for their everyday. I did. This vintage piece is now an essential, a must-have if you will *some of you will get that reference, others, will need to click on the link*

And when it comes down to it, it’s the perfect expression of my style.
That, and neutral sandals.




Top & Necklace – FreePeople  //  Vest – Vintage  //  Sandals – c/o Easy Spirit  //  Jeans – Dittos 

*linking up with trend spin*

Why Beaded Vests Make Life Easier, Or Something Like That




Top & Beaded Vest – UO  // Necklace – ThreadSence *old*  //  Pants – Dittos  //  Bag – Lucky Brand 

Clearly I’m all about the comfy.  In fact, if clothing is restrictive in any way it gets worn very rarely.  there are of course a few pieces that are for special occasions, and on those rare moments I tolerate less than full comfort.  But generally speaking? No.  Generally speaking, it’s low heels, soft stretchy fabrics and ease of mobility.  Life is hard enough without making you’re clothes hard too.

The Wildflowers Are Dying





Lace Detail Dress –  Nameless *don’t know from where, it’s old* //  Maxi Lace Detail Vest, Leaf Necklace & Sandals – F21  //  Arrow Necklace – ThreadSence  //  Pearl Double Layer Necklace – Ruche  //  Pearl Bracelets – F21  //  Silver cuffs & Silver and Pearl Bracelet – gifts from Poland

The wildflowers are starting to die.  They are drooping and turning that dark shade of brown.  I know this means the end of summer.  The end of that glorious heat which my body craves incessantly.
But I cling to it.
Hoping that enough warm breezes, enough overgrown fields will freeze the moment.  Will keep the seasons from changing, from passing, as they must.

 *linking up with WIWW*

9 am Is Pickle In Your Underwear Time




Firefly Tee – TeeFury  //  Vest – H&M  //  Jeans – Gap  //  Boots – Threadsence  //  Earrings – vintage

It’s morning, we’re both in our fluffy, fleece PJs, and Baby Girl says to me, “Go work on your commuter, Mama.”

‘Okay!”  I don’t often get toddler allowed time to be by myself, and not distracted or hounded for attention, so this is something I don’t ask twice about.   Off I go into the other room, where I can work and still see half the living room in which she’s watching Blue’s Clues.

I check email.  I respond to a few things. Read a few things. etc.  Suddenly I realize it’s been really quiet.  Very quiet.  That ‘I-Know-You’re-Up-To-No-Good’ quiet.  My mommy senses are tingling.  So I leave the safety of my computer and slowly creep into the next room.

Cautiously peeking around the corner, I see:

Baby Girl sitting in her underwear, PJs torn off and cast aside, munching on a pickle.

*Linking up with Fashion Informant,  WIWW, and Style Sessions*

It’s The End of the World

Shirt –   H&M  //  Vest & Sunnies – F21  //  Jeans – Gap  //  Boots – c/o Dansko  //  Necklace – Threadsence

It’s been such a hard week this week.  With the health issues Baby Girl has had this week, and my resulting exhaustion and overwhelmed feeling.  I’m ready for a shut down.  I’m in that critical mass state where everything feels huge.  
We’ve all been there.  It’s not the end of the world…but it sure feels like it.

*linking up with Fashion Informant and  Trend Spin*

Contributions and Gains

Vest –  Piko 1988 via Threadsence //  Top & Jeans – Gap  //  Boots – Call It Spring  //  Necklace – H&M
When you’re working on a co-op production, even when you’re not acting that day you might have to be on set.  Why, because on such a production, all the actors are equal stakeholders and so they all profit equally and should also not be surprised to work/contribute equally.   Thus their presence is often required on set to help as PAs.  So today I was riding around on my bike delivering gear, running errands, and basically being a go-for for whatever was needed.  I sort of expected it this day, so I wore jeans and a fun vest that would keep me warm and cool on this weird weather day. 

Taking What No One Wants

Tank & Jeans – Gap  //  Vest, Belt & Sunnies – F21  //  Hat – unknown brand  //  Shoes – Rocketdog  //  Necklace – thrifted

My last day in NYC I packed up and walked around airplane ready.  Now for those of you who are imagining me tramping about Central Park here burdened with luggage, I will say this:  I went to NYC for five days with a small backpack that was half full.  I had all my necessary cosmetics, and clothes, in that to last me a week.  Yes, my secret talent is packing lighter than most think is humanly possible.  On the way back, my backpack was full only because I had such great thrifting success! 

Case in point:  I picked up this necklace for under $4. 

Side note:  thank you once more everyone for hating on this vest.  Because no one wanted it, I grabbed it from the F21 website clearance for a measly $7.  And I love it!

Remix: Striped Vest

This striped AE vest was an impulse purchase at the time.  I thought, “It’s too expensive and I don’t have any other vests in my closet.  Will I really wear it?”  I’m so glad I bought it because it’s become an indispensable part of my attire.  Funny how that happens.

Top Left:  Hat & Boots – F21  //  Dress – Lace Affair

Top Right:  Tie – Sears  //  Top – Smart Set  //  Jeans – Gap  //  Boots – Walmart

Bottom Left:  Top – Wallis  //  Scarf – Kensie  //  Necklace – Ruche  //  Boots – Locale

Bottom Right:  Sweater – Gap  //  Necklace – bought in Spain  //  Belt & Tights – F21  //  Boots – Feet First  //  Dress – unknown  //  Ring – Ruche

State of Mind

Tee & Jeans – Gap //Vest – AE //  Jacket – F21  //  Boots – Feet First  //  Necklace – don’t remember
There are days when all I want is to go into a downtime mode.  That’s when the classic jeans and a tee come into the mix.  It’s when you just want to be casual and low key, and perhaps reflect the calm, serene look of your clothes into your mind, that the classic of jeans and a plain tee never fail. 
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