Category :Star Wars

Winter Swim

When you buy yourself a new suit…

Tired of the Fight

In the acting world I get told that I’m too old all the time.

On that Note

Guess what? Today my girl turns seven!

Just In Case…

…you didn’t think I actually wore the things in my blog.

Man Repeller Style and Playing With Fashion

There’s a popular blog called the Man Repeller, and while I’m not a fan of the style,


Everyone has their go-to, or rather a few go-tos.

Star Wars Fashion for the Star Wars Movie

Yesterday was probably a geek girls dream. I treated myself to a decaf Almond milk latte from the awesome coffee shop in the ‘hood – SuperCoffee.  


I don’t have an outfit for you today.
I don’t have any wise words for you today.
I don’t have any witticisms for you today.

A Casual Day…

…calls for casual clothes.  Though, as we all know I’m never all business-y anyway.

Star Wars, Mini skirts, and Toques.

Perhaps not the most logical of things to put together.

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