Category :Slip dress

Crystal Beach

After a much earned meal, a visit to the beach was a must.

Garbage Bags

Changing others is a futile goal? You can’t change others. You can encourage behaviors, but you can’t force anyone into anything. You can however change yourself – to a certain extent, but I’m not going to get into the genetics of personality here.

Slip Ups Happen

You’re doing your best; examining your behaviors, checking yourself, putting in safeguards, but then you buy something you didn’t mean to. Maybe you slipped emotionally, or fiscally. Whatever it happens.

On a Technicality

Technically, Spring is here. Technically, Winter is over. Technically.

Trekking to Carlsbad

The previous day I had hit the fancy resort gym a little too hard. It was so fun to be in a gym that my enthusiasm got the best of me and I was certainly paying for it.

Tactile Pleasures

With the changing of the seasons, and the dying of the warmth, I find myself drawn to the natural philosophical reflections that follow.

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