Category :Maxis

Maxis Hold Little Secrets



Chelsea Verde Maxi Dress – Ebay  //  Jacket – I forget  //  Bag – Target  //  Necklace – F21

Boho maxi dresses are just sublime.  I love the wonderful assortment of patterns, the swish and swirl as you walk and turn.  There’s something deeply satisfying in the weight of the material moving through the air with my movements.  Almost a secret dance known only to me.

Also, there’s a great ease to them.  For Winter, leggings and tights are easily hidden underneath for warmth, and sweaters just layer perfectly on top.  The sweep and drama of bold colors and patterns make it look like you tried really hard – that’s another secret.

Easiest Fall Outfit Ever…




Cardigan – Sheinside  //  Maxi  –   Lush   //  Boots – Aldo  //  Fedora – I forget  //  Scarf – thrifted.  

…put on a dress, a chunky cardigan, boots, scarf, and hat.  Done.  It’s really as simple as that.  And mix and match as necessary to create ‘new’ outfits.

For the winter, add tights, and maybe another top layer somewhere in there.

The Numbers Drop




Maxi Dress – Guess  //  Shoes – Aldo  //  Bag – Target  //  Hat & Necklace – I forget  //  Rings – F21

The ability to throw on a dress and hat and go out the door.  That’s the beauty that is summer, and warm weather in general.  I’m really going to miss this beautiful ability as the temperature drops.  It’s going to be about smart layering to maximize warmth as opposed to the ease and freedom to run out the door on a whim.

Summer, we’ve parted too soon.

The Story of the Dress




Maxi Boho Dress – Chelsea Verde via eBay  //  Necklace – I forget  //  Bag & Sandals – ThreadSence

Browsing a few online sites that I just love I found a dress.  It came in two patterns and color combos, and I loved both.  I wanted to get this little darling dress.  But alas, I’m in Canada and that meant the shipping fees were a bit high.  The shipping coupled with the price of the dress itself put the whole thing a little beyond my reach.  Was I deterred?  Only for the moment.

After some hemming and hawing, and thinking and wondering if there was some other way I could get this piece, I thought I’d give eBay a go.  You never know until you try.

So I searched and I found the name of the designer.  Then I searched the designer, and after a few more minutes of searching, I stumbled upon the exact dress in my exact size!  Better still, even with the shipping, it was less then I had seen on many the online sites.  Clicking “Buy it Now”  the dress became mine just 12 days later when it was delivered to my doorstep.

And it’s just as beautiful in person as it is online.  More than that, it’s incredibly soft and wrinkle free.  Perfect for when I travel.  I highly recommend this darling dress!

The Wildflowers Are Dying





Lace Detail Dress –  Nameless *don’t know from where, it’s old* //  Maxi Lace Detail Vest, Leaf Necklace & Sandals – F21  //  Arrow Necklace – ThreadSence  //  Pearl Double Layer Necklace – Ruche  //  Pearl Bracelets – F21  //  Silver cuffs & Silver and Pearl Bracelet – gifts from Poland

The wildflowers are starting to die.  They are drooping and turning that dark shade of brown.  I know this means the end of summer.  The end of that glorious heat which my body craves incessantly.
But I cling to it.
Hoping that enough warm breezes, enough overgrown fields will freeze the moment.  Will keep the seasons from changing, from passing, as they must.

 *linking up with WIWW*

The Beauty Of A Wrath Unfelt




Black Lace Maxi Dress – L’Atiste via ThreadSence //  Sandals – Call It Spring  //  Sunnies, Hair Clips, & Necklace – F21  //  Silver Cuffs – gift  //  Earrings – I forget  //  Dark Silver Cuff – I forget

There is a beauty in danger, and a beauty in the quickest of transitions.  I was fortunate enough to take these photos in full sunshine while the darkest of storm clouds brewed behind me.  It was an ominous gray that stood in stark contrast to the brilliant warmth of the sun.

It hastened my steps, and made nimble my fingers as I worked the camera.  The threat of rain looming overhead and in plain sight.

My footsteps hit the inside of the house as the heavens split open and the clouds released their heavy burden. My self and my gear safely hidden from their wrath.

Child Profound




Maxi Kimono – One Teaspoon   //  Tribal Tank & Bralette – ThreadSence  //  Jeans – Dittos via UO  //  Shoes – Aldo  //  Zebra Necklace – Lustre Boutique  //   Vee Necklace – Vanessa Mooney  //  Sunnies – F21

Children have this uncanny ability to say the most obvious things in a way that makes them seem profound.  Or at least in a way that signals that it is profound to them.

“My dog likes to smell stinky things….my dog….likes to smell…STINKY things.”

Case in point.

How Do You Know Someone Loves You?



Top – Anthropologie //  Polka Dot Skirt – F21  //  Shoes & Fedora – ThreadSence  //  Necklace – I forget  //  Ring – Lulus

I look at my girl, “Honey, do you know that I love you?”
“You do?”
“Yup. ‘Cause you take care of me when I sick. And you make me spaghetti!  That my favorite dinner.  You make it for me a lot!”

There you have it.  That’s how you know someone loves you.

Puppies…Meaning Boobs!




Dress – I forget (no tag)  //  Necklace – Threadsence  //  Sunnies – F21

Backless dresses are another secret obsession for me….like kimonos, only that obsession is no secret.  I was browsing some online retailer and saw this dress.  Immediately in love, I nabbed it on a sale, and loved it even more when I tried it on.  The only catch? The arm straps were way too loose and I felt like I was risking a Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction big time.  So I hopped on over to the fabric store and found a lovely little pink ribbon to match, sewed that across the back so as to secure the two arm straps to each other and guaranteed that those puppies were not going anywhere….thus ensuring that no one was going to see my puppies. *see what I did there?Puppies, puppies…meaning boobs, get it?*  

This was also a fabulous cottage outfit because a) light and breezy as mentioned before, and b) it’s a wrinkly style which means the three hours driving home would only add to it’s allure.

*linking up with Trend Spin*

When You Gotta Run Around



Tank Dress – Love Nail Tree via Coals Miner’s Daughter  //  Shoes – I forget  //  Skull Necklace – Monserat de Lucca  //  Crystal Necklace – Homegrown Boutique  //  Sunnies – F21

Before heading out to a cottage for a few days, there are quite a few things that need to get done.  Errands, little details you forgot, etc. etc.  What better thing for running errands than an incredibly soft tank dress that keeps you cool and relaxed the whole time?  I certainly couldn’t think of anything at the time.

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