“These are not the droids you’re looking for”

Today was the first day in 6 months that we were up before Baby.  She slept in until 7:45am – I wish everyday was like this.  Hopefully, her sleeping habits will only get better.  I need my beauty rest – goodness knows I haven’t had any in a long time.  

This morning when I came downstairs dressed to face my day, Husband looked at me and said, “Don’t take this the wrong way, because you look really nice, but you look like a Jedi.”  Normally I’m not against any Star Wars reference (considering my love of all things Star Wars, Star Trek and BSG), but “Jedi” was certainly not the look I was going for.  So, I stopped, focused really hard, and tried to choke him just a little with my mind just like Darth Vader…no such luck.  He just stood there with a smirk on his face looking so pleased with himself.  So I just kicked him in the shin instead.

Great lunch, even better company.  We had two friends over for some good old Polish home cooking.  They’re a fun couple who appreciate hearty food.  And it was really nice to get to see them since they’ve moved to another province for the next year.  That’s what I like about the holidays: everyone makes an extra effort to see one another and spend some time together.