Category :Looks

Dress 22: Summer Dreaming

Dress – Smart Set; Sweater – Zara; Belt – Hadley Pollet; Boots – somewhere in NYC

That’s the dress I wore.  Word of advice to nursing moms: don’t wear a belt.  It’s a pain in the bum to undo it everytime you nurse, so unless you’re like me and you know you’re not nursing for the next 5 hours, don’t do it. Not worth it.  So guys?  Trash, stash, or save?

Went shopping with my Mother-in-Law and found THE summer shoe for myself…

It’s so preeeetty….Is it wrong that it’s only February and I’m already thinking and dreaming about summer?

When we got home my Mother-in-Law went downstairs to help paint…and changed into this fabulous ensemble.

She said, ” You should put this in your blog.”   So I did…I’m a good Daughter-in-Law.

Dress 21: Things Old and Home Made

Boots – ??; Leggings – F21; Dress – ??; Sweater – made by my Babcia.

Hanging out in my new sweater.

My Babcia made me a sweater and I just had to wear it as soon as it was done. I love the fact that it’s totally one of a kind and made with love.  And it being winter, there’s always a reason to wear a sweater.  So I paired it with this easy to wear dress.  It’s the same style as this one, just a different pattern. I bought them at the same time…when I was still in high school.  And do not ask me how long ago that was.  Suffice it to say, it was a long time ago. But these dresses hold up so well, I have a feeling Baby will be wearing them when she’s big enough!  They’ll be vintage then…as will I!  Haha!

Trash, stash, or save?  I’m thinking save…since it’s been around this long already.

Dress 20: Are You A Stripe Girl?

Drake the Dog loves the snow!
A shot of the dress itself.
Dress – Dear Creatures; Sweater – Tommy Hilfiger; Belt – part of the dress; Boots – F21; Leggings – F21    

I promised you a dress today, and here it is.  It’s cold outside and of course Drake the Dog wants to be frolicking out there!  And of course he just needs to get in the shot.  The dress is a fairly recent purchase and it’s really fun to wear.  I’m not usually one for the stripes, but I really like it on this dress for some reason. 

Are you a stripe girl?  What’s one thing that you don’t usually wear: animal prints, gold, stripes, patterns, etc?  I’d love to hear your thoughts.

As always I want to hear your opinion: trash, stash, or save?

Dress 19: To Grandmother’s House We Go

Dress – from Poland; Sweater – F21

Husband pointed out that my ladies are out in full force today!

I’ve been noticing that a lot of my posts lack jewellery and such.  The reason is simple – I can’t wear those things with a young baby unless it’s when I’m headed right out the door to work or an audition.  Around Baby it’s just impractical to wear earrings and necklaces unless I want them broken or, worse still, Baby choking on them.  So, I have started counting on my wardrobe to fill in the missing pieces of interest.  Patterns, and the mixing of those patterns has picked up the slack.  I’m not huge on jewellery anyway.  Usually it’s one large piece or two smaller pieces.  So, I’m not missing it that much.  But it’s sad when you get excited because you get to wear earrings!

Husband is headed out of town on a business trip, so Baby and I are headed to my Mom’s house.  We’ll be chillin’ with my Mom and Babcia.  Which means at some point I’m going to beat them at cards!

Dress 18: ‘Cool’ When Loosely Applied To Me

Dress – Threadsence; Leggings – F21

Lipstick – Joe in Apple

Boots – thrifted; Earrings – F21; Ring – F21

Today I was feeling a little ‘cool’ *and I use that term loosely when applied to me* So, I thought that it’d be appropriate to wear this relaxed jersey knit dress.  I love the asymetrical hem and the slightly unfinished look it has. It feels wonderful on.  I just wish it felt that wonderful to be outside taking these shots.

Hope you all had a great day.  I’m retiring to a glass of delicious wine and some cuddles with Husband.

Good night. See you all tomorrow!

Dress 17: I Know, I Copped Out!

Dress – little shop in Bruges; Jeans – Guess; Shirt – Smart Set; *Ignore the socks*

Me bundled up outside.

I wore this dress with pants, which I know is a bit of a cop-out, but here me out.  I was going out today – shopping, errands, etc – and since it’s still very cold outside I knew I’d be wearing my sporty coat for most of it.  Now a sporty, puffy coat, though necessary, doesn’t look the best with a pretty dress; so, I wore the jeans because it looks better together on the outside.  I love this little sweater dress for it’s softness, and the fact that it has polka dots. ‘Cause I love those! Notice how Drake the Dog has to be in every picture?  I tell ya, he wants a blog of his own.  I just know it! 

Tarh, stash or save?

Dress 16: Pardon Me While I Babble On Way Too Long…

Pigtails : a great way to avoid doing your hair.

Drake the Dog is such a media hog.  He has to be in every photo!

Dress – vendor in Lagos, Portugal; Sweater – Zara; Belt – AE; Boots – F21.

This morning Husband took Baby after breakfast and I got a run!  I ran for a full hour – just over 6 miles. It felt wonderful!.  Having been sick the past couple of weeks, I haven’t been able to go full out – if I’ve been able to run at all. But today felt glorious!  I have to admit, I’m a bit of a workout junkie.  I love the high and I love challenging and pushing myself.  Plus, running and physical exercise help me to release emotion, focus my thoughts, and keep me sane (that and well…chocolate, a good scotch/wine, laughs with my girlfriends, and a greasy spoon breakfast).

Since having Baby, I’m not able to do a lot of physical things.  It’s one of the changes/challenges that I’ve had to adjust to.  But Husband is really good in understanding and he doesn’t kick up too much of a fuss when I ask him to take care of her. 
So, that’s me.
Whether you have a baby or not, how do you stay sane?

I don’t know about you, but I didn’t feel like doing my hair or make-up this morning (so really, today’s no different from any other day).  I just wanted to get my hair out of the way.  We all do it ladies – shove our hair in a ponytail and just forget about it.  It gets old, am I right? Lately I’ve been flipping through mags and found stylish models who have their hair in pigtails or braid(s).  It looks so chic, effortless, and like you’re totally above it all but still really cool!  Yes, please! Now I’m not saying that I’m particularily successful at the “stylish pigtail”, I’m just saying it’s possible.

Picturesque Lagos, Portugal.

One of my favorite memories. ( I had a cane because of an injury).

I’m always reminded of eating sorbet in Lagos when I wear this dress (that’s where I bought it).  I loved Lagos.  So beautiful and picturesque. I’m not so crazy about the dress, however, because the top is too big.  But I love the pattern, and I think if I altered it into a skirt it would be fabulous.  What do you think?  Alter? Trash, stash, or save?

Dress 15: When is Enough, Enough?

Making faces at Baby

Dress – Jacob; Cardigan – H&M; Scarf – Jacob; Belt – ?

So Casa Joanna is still sick.  I thought we were getting over it but no such luck.  Worst thing ever?  Baby is so stuffed up she can’t breath through her nose when she’s lying down.  Which means that I spent the entire night holding her in a reclining position so she could sleep…which means that I slept only 2 1/2 hours. Later in the morning Husband took her and I got another 2 hours.  So yeah, you can imagine how I’m feeling.  WHen is this cold going to end??

She’s been sucky and whining/crying all day because she’s over-tired and can’t sleep.  I’m just getting a break right now because I put her in her stroller, bundled her up, and took her for a 10 minute walk to get her to sleep.  Currently, she’s in the sun room tucked into her stroller. 

Needless to say, clothes were not the first thing on my mind.  But this dress is a relaxed boatneck dress that I purchsed used when pregnant.  Now though I think the top is too big for me.  Again, this is another dress I don’t know how I feel about.  Trash, stash, or save?

Dress 14: What’s Black, White and Gray All Over?

Dress – H&M; Sweater – Aritzia; Belt – ?; Leggings – Forever XXI

Today is Thursday, which means that today I got together with some of the mom’s that I know…which means that today we complained about being moms.  No seriously, I love getting together with these ladies.  They’re all very funny, and very easygoing, and it’s necessary to have someone to talk about all these things with.  I love my girlfriends, but since they don’t have kids they don’t quite get it.  These women do.  So it always revitalizes me to chat with them.  Plus, I love the excuse to have a coffee and a big cookie!

I bought this dress originally in brown and white polka dots, but I loved it so much I went back and bought it in black and white too.  *Confession – I bought it as a Maternity dress too because the empire waist and a-line gave me room to expand…and expand I did*  It was so cheap and so cute and comfy I couldn’t resist having it in two colors.  I was even tempted to get it in red and white, but I thought that would be going overboard.  It’s a summer dress, and it’s one that I thought I could only wear in the summer, but paired with a shirt and tights underneath and a chunky sweater on top, I think it totally works for the winter too. Trash, stash, or save?

Stay tuned for the brown and white one.

Good night all.  It’s date night – movie, hot apple cider, berries…and hopefully a foot massage from Husband.

See you all tomorrow!

Dress 13: Massages, Socks, and Hiding Out

First things first: Husband said, “Just don’t put me in you blog today.”  So like the dutiful wife that I am, here he is everyone.  He’s now got the cold that I’m getting over, and feels miserable all day.
Just hangin’ out.

Dress – Forever XXI; Cardigan – Gap; Leggings – American Apparel; Scarf – made by my Babcia.

Today I got a massage.  Oh yes I did.  I’ve been having some tension headaches and the best solution to that is an RMT.  I’m going to go for another in about three weeks and that should take care of it.  But here’s a weird thing: she cut the appointment short.  I’ve never had that happen to me, but she ended up not feeling too good and cut it short.  Oh well!  It was still good.

Than I bummed around downtown for a while going into shops and getting yummy lunch.  Where was Baby you ask?  Why she was with Husband.  It was my day out today. I spent some gift certificates – on really cute socks (Betsey Johnson), knee highs (MacGregor Weekenders); and thick winter tights (Hue).  And I’m really excited about the knee highs – I’m already putting together a dress outfit around one of these pairs.  Check back soon for that!

So yes, today was a day for me to relax; hence, the easy, chill dress.   This is one I’ve had for about 5 years.  And when I bought it I wasn’t crazy about it.  It was one I bought because I either spent $20 on a dress and got free shipping or paid $15 shipping.  But it’s one I come back to on days when I just don’t feel all that spry and delicious.  Like today, when I’m getting over a cold.  But is it a keeper?  I’m not sure it does anything for me – makes me look cute, or sexy, or elegant.  And I’m not sure whether I wear it because it’s comfy and relaxing, or whether I wear when I want to hide and not be noticed.  So what do you think?  Trash, stash or save?

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