Category :Looks

Dress 12: Pass the Poo Please!

Sunday’s dress.

Me running inside, because it’s just so cold!  Dress – H&M; Shirt & Leggings – Forever XXI; Boots – Browns Couture; Belt – AE.

I didn’t get a chance to show you Sunday’s dress, and I didn’t want to leave it too long, so here it is.  And it may look nice outside but it was an icy -22 out there.  Not good at all!  I lasted about 1 minute taking these pictures and then I ran for the warm comfort of the house.  Trash, stash, or save?

Yesterday I was on the air, and when I came home Husband had dinner waiting for me and Baby asleep.  This morning I woke up and had coffee, fed Baby and was about to play with her when I noticed (dun, duh, dun, dun…DUN!) poo everywhere!  And when I say everywhere I do mean everywhere.  She had poo on her back, down both legs, between her toes, in the folds behind her kness, and all along her onesie.  There was so much cleaning!  Husband and I made the executive decision to not even bother cleaning that onesie – it was a goner.

Going to make you jealous here: tomorrow I’m going for a one hour massage.  Jealous, right?

Dress 11: Pardon Me, But My Feet Are Wet.

Dress – H&M; Hoodie – Puella; Leggings – Forever XXI; Leg warmers – Legs Beautiful; Scarf – made by my Babcia

Okay, so I know I told you yesterday that I would show you Sunday’s dress today, but I’m not going to do that. Instead, I’m showing you today’s dress and saving Sunday’s dress for another ady (maybe tomorrow or another day…don’t know).  

An awful thing happened today…I had wet feet for half the day.  I know, I know, it’s completely awful especially when compared to things like global warming or the conflict in Darfur.  But really, I hope you agree with me that having wet feet in the middle of winter does rank on the “Having a Bad Day” meter.  Okay, self-pity done and over.  But I really do hate wet, cold feet.  Okay, now I’m really done. Promise.
On another note, today was a lazy, cold day and I vowed to stay warm (yes, I failed in the footwear department, but let’s get over that shall we?).  So today, I pulled out my cute little knit dress and decided to revert to younger days where it was okay to wear hoodies and legwarmers throughout your day (i.e. acting class in University).  The reason for this choice was that I’m feeling contented.  Not excited or happy – that implies an energy and some sort of movement.  I’m contented today.  Not really moving anywhere or being energetic to change or grow.  Today I’m happy where I am and with the way things are.  Baby’s fever broke in the night and she’s back to her happy, noisy self – no longer the sucky, whiny poo-pants that she’s been all week (although I must admit I enjoyed all the extra cuddle time she wanted since she’s usually too squirmy to cuddle).  I’m sure that my other problems and worries will come back tomorrow.  But today, I’m contented. Hence, the cozy, laid-back outfit.

Trash, stash, or save?

Dress 10: Everybody’s Tired, But It’s Now Safe to Visit

Everything’s a little off today, including the painting in this pic.

Hanging out on my kitchen table.  Dress – H&M; Sweater – somewhere in Poland; Shirt – Smart Set.

So things are on the upswing at our house.  Baby’s feeling better and therefore sleeps better, and I’m a little less stuffy today.  We’re not healthy, but we’re over the worst of it and I think things are only going to get better.

Husband’s at work today – all day.  So, I had a lovely visit from Mom and Babcia.  They brought me food and a sweater and a toque.  So yeah, that made the day go by easier.  Oh, and Babcia and I had our butts handed to us by Mom in a game of cards.  Oh well, you win some, you lose some.

Moving on to the dress…can you believe that this was a dress I bought for my pregnancy?  It seems so long ago.  Now, it’s not a maternity dress, but it has an empire waist and it gave me a lot of room to grow.  I wore it right up until delivery.  I just happen to be naturally small (genetic lottery and healthy living) so I was lucky enough to be able to buy “maternity” clothes at H&M and Forever XXI.  Although to be honest, since pregnancy is over I’m not sure it’s really me.  I figure I’ll keep it around and give it another chance in the spring/summer.  Maybe it’s just one of those dresses that you only like seasonally.  I don’t know.  I’m indecisive about these things. What do you think?  Trash, stash, or save?

Dress 9: Things My Grandmother Gave Me

Chez Joanna is still on quarantine.  And no one here is feeling bright and shiny!  So, yes I am spending another day  looking unfit for public viewing (just ask my in-laws who popped in briefly).  So, it’s back to my bag of magic to bring you another dress I wore, but saved for an emergency such as this *because heaven knows this is an emergency right?*

By now everyone knows that I love dresses far more than the average woman, so it follows that two things I love are leggings and tights as they allow me to wear dresses year round and not just the 3 months out of the year that it’s nice outside in Canada.   My second love?  Boots!  There is no such thing as a boot I’ve met that I didn’t like.  And if I could I would own upwards of 50 of those, but I don’t.  I own a lot though…and I love each and every pair.  So, I usually put the two together – dresses and boots – ’cause you know what?  It’s so easy!
On a side note, these are porcelain earrings that I made myself.  Now, I’m not too skilled at making my own jewelry, but I do enjoy the freedom to make exactly what I want.   And I love the retro feel of these – vintage without the price tag.  Everytime I look at these it also reminds of all the tilework I saw when in Spain, and Spain always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.  Mmmmm….Spain….

Now my Grandmother, or Babcia, recently flew in from Poland.  And as always she brought lots of goodies for me.  One of which is this lovely rose brooch that I attached to my cardigan.  I think we as women have lost some of the glamour of wearing jewelry well.  And, though I’m not trying to say that I do it well, I want to bring back brooches and statement pieces.  I don’t think we raid our Babcias closets as often as we should.

Dress 8: Bring Your Own Hazmat

Dress – Forever XXI; Cardigan – H&M; Leggings – American Apparel; Legwarmers – Legs Beautiful.

Yes, today is another sick day at Chez Joanna.  We’re all really tired and cranky.  Baby is especially not happy and kept us up most of the night.  By the way, I wanted to thank all of you for your email and comment help and well-wishes.  They really helped cheer me up and motivate me to get better – not to mention get dressed this morning!  Unfortunately no, I’m not looking good.  And yes, I am Oscar the Grouch today. Rawr! But I couldn’t spend another day in pajamas, as tempting as that was, and not bring you the next dress installment.  I know you’re just dying to know what’s in my closet *sarcasm fully intended*. So here it is, dress eight.

I originally bought this dress for hot summer days, but quickly learned that it’s better for warm spring days.  Why, you ask?  Well, it’s make from a silky material that does not breathe.  So, in the heat it just sticks to your skin and makes you feel gross all over.  But otherwise I love the casual, vintage feel of it.  I think of puttering around the garden, and drinking iced tea in the backyard when I wear this. Wearing it today has given me much needed comfort, because I’m still feeling poo-ey and sucky today.  But I had to be warm, hence I paired it with leggings, a cardigan and leg warmers.   Before we move on: trash, stash or save?  I’m thinking save…how about you?

Now I know they may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I love leg warmers!  They’re so cozy and I love the cheese factor! *singing Olivia Newton John* Let’s get physical, physical!

Close-up of the legwarmers.

What piece of clothing makes you nostalgic?  Is it a pair of jeans, top or sweater?  What does it make you think of?

Dress 7: Cashmere and Robots

The raw image of the dress
Dress – Thrifted; Cardigan – Gap; Belt – borrowed from Mom; Leggings – Forever XXI

Okay, so I’m really sick everyone.  Bad cold, and I wish I could just curl up on the couch and watch tv all day.  But that’s another one of those little “luxuries” that dissappear once you have kids.  So, I’ve been dragging my butt around the house doing stuff all day and I feel Poo-ey.  And to add insult to injury, Baby has my cold of course.  Good times!  So today I’m in trashy jeans and, yes I know, my Lulu hoodie.  But have no fear.  I have prepared for just such situations!  I wore this dress earlier, and didn’t post it because there was already so much to blog about.  So I thought I’d save it just in case (and yes I have a couple more up my sleeve).  So here it is…something to keep you busy while I try to kick this cold’s bum!

This picture was taken upstairs in my Mom’s house – it’s just too darn cold outside.  This dress was a bargain find, and no I don’t remember where exactly.  But it’s a cashmere blend which means that yes, it’s incredibly soft.  Though I like fashion, I’m not a total slave to it – comfort is essential to me.  And this dress is all that.  I’m not too crazy about the retro pattern on it lately, but it’s just enough interest when covered with a nice cardigan.  My hair’s a mess in this pic, I just hadn’t had time to do it.  The most I managed is to wash it – sorry but that’s what it’s like to be a Mama.

I’ll always be on time and in the right place!

This is the pendant that I wore with it – for all of 5 minutes.  I quickly realized that with Baby there is no possibility to wear a long necklace, unless I mean it to be a toy for her.  So off it went, back into the jewelry case, for now.  But I thought you’d at least like to see it.  The nerd in me does a little cartwheel when I see this necklace.  It’s a compass, a watch, and a robot!!!  Every geek’s dream. I’m waiting for it’s eyes to glow red and say, “By your comand.” (That’s a Battlestar Galactica reference by the way).  Speaking of BSG – can I please be reborn as Tricia Helfer in another life?

So what do you think?  Trash, stash, or save?  I’m leaning towards trash, but I need your help to decide.

Dress 6: Don’t “Bond…James Bond” Me

Black dress, red lipstick = priceless

Husband pretending to be Mr. Photographer ruins my “all-cool” composure.  Dress – H&M; Leggings – Forever XXI; Boots – Browns Couture; Lipstick – Joe Fresh “apple”

Okay, so first off I know I said I don’t like turtlenecks, and that is still the general rule.  But as we all know, every rule has an exception.  And this dress is the exception to that rule.  I love the simplicity and retro feel of this dress.

On a side note, you must, must get yourself at least one pair of these tights. They’re nylon leggings from Forever XXI but I consider them tights because they’re a little too sheer to not have your butt covered. They feel great – not too tight and not too loose, and they make your legs look good – which is always a plus!  They’re about $5.50 a pair and they come in several necessary colors! I got them not too long ago in a few of the colors and already am in love.  If you like to wear dresses and skirts year round I recommend investing a few pairs of these.

The red lipstick is the main fashion accessory here.

I was thinking earlier that this dress makes me feel like a Bond Girl.  But then I got to thinking about it, and no, I don’t want to be a Bond Girl.  I’d want to be Moneypenny.  Think about it.  Yeah, she’s just the secretary, but she’s witty and resourceful and much smarter than the Bond Girls because she never sleeps with Bond.  All the other women sleep with him and are either dead in the next act, or if they survive to the end, they’re gone by the next movie.  Moneypenny gets all the flirtation and fun without dying or dissappearing.  So yeah, I’ll be Miss Moneypenny – Bond is fun to look at but he’s far too fickle for me anyway.

Sell, stash, or save?

Dress 5: Hippie in the Snow

The sun in its meager glory

The view from my back patio

Good day all.  This is the morning that I woke up to: snowy, dreary and cold.  I have to say that I love the look of snow and watching it fall, but I hate (emphasize hate) the cold that has to accompany it.  I’ll tell you who gets a kick out of it though, Drake the Dog!  He loves to run around and hop around in the snow.  We call him our black, snow dolphin.

Drake the Dog gallavanting around in the snow in our backyard

Today’s a lazy day in that we don’t have any work and we feel lazy.  But so far we’ve cleaned the floors, cooked Baby food, done two loads of laundry, brought donations to Value Village, had a run, and put away the Christmas decorations.  Further, there is currently another load in the laundry and Husband is making Chicken soup.  So yeah, no lazing around here!

Humming “Age of Aquarius, the Age of Aquarius. A-quar-i-us.” Dress – Forever XXI; Jeans – somewhere in Europe; Scarf – Jacob; Sweater – Smart Set.

Dress five in the dress challenge brings me back to the first couple of months that we had Baby.  Boy, I don’t miss those days!  I wore this dress a lot during that time.  It’s cotton so it was perfect in the blistering heat, and the empire waist is forgiving to a post-partum figure.  Today, I felt like being all relaxed so I paired the dress with my wide leg jeans, threw on a blue cardi, and topped it all off with a skinny scarf.  I feel very hippie-ish today (yes, I know that’s not a real word).  Did you notice I cut my bangs?  Probably not, it’s not that big a difference, but I did.  And yes, that’s me standing on my futon.  How else is a girl going to get the whole outfit in the shot?

Sell, stash, or save?  Sorry, this time I’m not asking you guys. I’m making the final verdict on the dress here: save!  It’s just too comfortable!

Whimsy Isn’t Just For Kids

Today is one of those days.   You know what I’m talking about.  Those days you don’t want to get out of bed, when everything is such a huge effort and you just don’t think you have it in you.  Yeah, it’s one of those days. So, I’m taking a small break in my dress challenge.  I’m a new mom, you have to cut me some slack.

When at home I don’t want to get all crazy dressed up, but I also don’t want to look too much like a slub.  Nor do I want to fall into the Lululemon trap – much as I like my Lulus, they are strictly for working out and the occassional outing.  So jeans are a great standby, they’re comfy, and relaxed but not too grungy.  And these Guess bootcuts are my favorite pair. They’re the faithful jeans that never make you feel bad.

I got this top for a super cheap price and think it’s my new favorite around the house piece.  It’s comfy jersey and very stretchy (great for feeding baby) and it’s a little whimsical.  We don’t have enough whimsy in our lives.

Dress 4: Blame It On The Dog

Drake the Dog is such a media hog!

It’s really all his fault.  What’s his fault?  Everything!
Cardigan – ShopRuche; Dress – can’t remember; Boots – somewhere in NYC

This morning I had a wonderful coffee date with three fabulous moms I met through a mommy group.  We get along great and it’s always wonderful to see them.  It’s fantastic to have a group of women who are going through the same thing I am at the same time.  We chat, and talk about baby stuff and no one is bored ’cause we all have kids.  It’s not like talking about babies to people who don’t have babies – they just don’t care!  And I don’t blame them, I didn’t care before I had kids either.  That’s just how it goes.  Anyway, we chatted and had a great time. 

Anyway, remember how I told you have dresses from waaaay back?  Well, this is one of them.  I bought it when I was in grade 11.  That’s right, in High School! I actually own two very similar dresses – same style, just different pattern and color – both of which I bought at the same time.  And I just love them.   Sometimes I go off them for a while and shove them to the back of the closet but eventually I return.  This dress is like that one boy you can’t seem to get over – except that this dress won’t break your heart! 

So sell, stash or save?  Definitely a save!

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