Category :Looks

Tempestuously Foul

Must say, I’m in love with this cardigan!
Husband makes fun of my sticky-out ears…but I know he secretly loves them!

Love the etched detailing on the belt.
Cardigan – Anthropologie; Shirt – Smart Set; Belt – AE; Jeans – Guess; Earrings – Indie store in Santorini.

I was in a foul mood when I got dressed yesterday.  Why?  Because I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day.  Sometimes I try to psyche myself out by pretending I like it, hoping that fiction will become fact, but I really don’t.  I disagree with the manufactured romance…like you have to show your love just once a year.  I think Valentine’s should be at least once a week, you know?  If you love someone show them more than once a year on a forced holiday.  That’s my rant.  It’s over.

But that’s also why I’m not wearing a dress.  If I’m in a bad mood, I gaurantee that I’ll put on pants.  I can’t deal with wearing a skirt or dress; I don’t know why.  But that’s not to say that if I’m wearing pants, I’m in a bad mood.  Make sense? 

Once I got to work and had chocolate, Olivia (the lovely camera person) and I got silly.  We were giggling non-stop and watching bad-for-you tv, and eating chocolate…well at least I was.  So if you watched last night, you saw me being silly on live-tv.  Yeah, that’s how I get sometimes. 

Oh, and I treated myself to a cab home because it was soooo cold too!  So I got home lickety-split and tucked myself into bed.  This morning I’ve started off in a considerably better mood.  Yay!  I’ll hopefully have a dress for you soon!

Random Sundays: Decidely Domestic.

I’m telling you, Drake the Dog is such a media hog!

Sweater – H&M; Top – Vintage Havana; Tank – Smart Set; Leggings – Moto; Boots – Feet First

Last night I got to see some wonderful women.  And I realized that everyone was looking really cute.  Let me take you round the group:

A cute plaid dress with two little pleats in the back, a lavender wrap top tied in a sweet bow in back, a chic black and white abstract print dress, a hot pink off the shoulder jumper, skinny jeans with a circle chain, and a black mini with a cream off the shoulder top.  I’m tellin’ you I have some stylish friends!

Today was a really drab, damp, and grey day.  But I started off on a great high with two fabulous meetings back to back.  Nothing better than getting creative energy going early in the morning! the rest of the day calmed down into a decidedly domestic day.

Yup, it’s diaper laundry day at my house…fun.

But afterwards I was a little too drained from my lack of sleep to continue on the high.  So I crashed and took a really long hot shower.  I was going to run, but you know, when I don’t feel like it I don’t.  No biggie.

Baby’s asleep now, and it’s time to enjoy my Valentine’s Day dinner.  Good love all!  See y’all tomorrow!

Dress 29: Busy Day Today…

Shirt – Smart Set; Dress – HUH; Leggings – F21

This is one of my favorites dresses.  It’s form a local Toronto designer and I absolutely love how simple and cute it is!  This is definitely a save!

Busy day today for me….two auditions, take care of Baby until her nap, then an Insanity workout, now I’m going to a Valentine’s Day shindig.  SUPER MOM!!

Random Happening: Drake the Dog jumped into our bed at 2am in the morning.  Now, he’s not allowed to sleep with us, but the poor boy has been freezing in our cold house lately…I pretended I didn’t seel him.  Even though he was tucked in against me.

Dress 28: The Sweater’s From Spain, The Dress Is From Portugal, And I’m Freezing My Butt Off In Toronto

Sweater – Stradivarius (in Bilbao, Spain); Dress – bought in Lagos, Portugal; Tights – hue; Boots – Feet First.

Okay, so this dress for some reason makes me feel very ’50s.   I feel I should be cooking while wearing pearls.  Except for the fact that I don’t cook, and I’m not wearing pearls around Baby. I think it’s the pouffy skirt that gives me that feeling.  So trash, stash, or save?

Today, Baby and I crashed a storytime meeting…we were late too because we first went to the wrong place.  As you can tell I’m not good at this ‘crashing’ thing.  But then we and the ladies went for another coffee and chatted some more.  I’m really enjoying hanging out with not only women who are going through the exact same thing I am at the same time, but more importantly, women who I get along with and like.  I find as I get older I suffer fools less and less; so when I don’t enjoy associating with someone I don’t.  It’s nice to find a group of women I like spending time with.  Because goodness knows, as new moms we all need the support!

Did you know that Valentine’s Day is just two days away???  When did that happen??

Random Happening:  Baby decided to put her head in her bathtub face first…*cue Baby crying/screaming*…yeah, not a good idea kid.

Dress 27: Don’t Let The Sunshine In These Photos Fool You

I managed to wear a neckalce around Baby for a total of three hours!!
Cardigan – H&M; Shirt – Smart Set; Dress – Esprit; Leggings – F21; Socks – MacGregor; Boots – somewhere in NYC; Necklace – from the Dominican Republic.

First off, thank you to everyone who emailed me or commented with their suggestions on how to resist temptation.  You’ve all certainly given me quite a few great ideas.  Hopefully, they’ll get me through the next 322 days.

Second, I’ve styled this dress before but what I like about it is that it’s so easy to style in a variety of different ways.  I think a good denim dress is one of those staples of a wardrobe, you know?  So trash, stash, or save?  I’m thinkin’ save.  You?

And I know you’ve all seen these boots for the past few days, but let me explain something.  It’s winter in Toronto, after a big snowstorm and it’s -23 outside.  This means that there are dangerous patches of ice on the sidewalk (means no heels), lots of slush from the salt (means no suede/fabric), and of course the aforementioned salt (means leave your favorite shoes at home if you want them to last more than a couple of months).  So, I’ve been wearing my cheapy boots.  And yes, I could wear cheapy shoes, but did I mention that it’s -23 outside?  Every bit of extra coverage helps!

Random Happening: Husband was convinced that Baby said his name today…it eas really just coincidental babbling…ssshh, don’t tell him that.

Dress 26: The Underappreciated Art of Layering

Cardigan – Esprit; Dress – Ruche; Tights – Hue; Boots – somewhere in NYC

When you live in Canada, you have to learn to layer.  If you don’t, not only will you never be warm, but you’ll never be able to look cute.  This dress started off with sweater tights and a long sleeve brown shirt.  Add a dress, cardigan and boots and you’re set for winter.  After all these layers I managed to stay warm today! Have any tips on how to layer to stay warm and look cute? So what do you think?  Trash, stash, or save?
Oh, and I’m only one day into my “No Clothes” thing (see below post) and I’m already thinking, “What have I done?!?!?”  I saw a pair of really cute ballerina flats today for only $15.  It.  Took. All. My. Willpower. To. Walk. Away.   But walk away I did.  Not easy, but I’m thinking it’ll be well worth it.  I need your guys help.  How do you resist a tempting purchase? Tips?  Tricks?  
I did buy something though….gourmet tea and coffee for myself and Husband.  I’m thinking that doesn’t count. 

Random happening:  I ask Husband, “Can you get me a bib?”  He gets up, gets the bib, comes back, and oh so casually… puts it around my neck.  Punk.  Maybe I should have been more specific.

Sometimes a Girl Just Needs Pants

I love a bright colored eyeliner!

It’s snowing outside, and I’m really not impressed by February thus far.

Shirt – F21; Cardigan – H&M; Jeans – Mavi

Sorry guys, this was supposed to be published yesterday, but when I got home I had a pounding headache so I just couldn’t get around to it.  Hope you had a decent Monday!

Here goes…

Yeah, I know, I’m not wearing a dress.   But you know, sometimes you really just don’t feel like it.  There’s a certain association with dresses – feminity, being dressed up – a certain showmanship that goes along with it.  But today, I just didn’t want that.  I just wanted my old jeans and one of my favorite things – a cool band shirt.  So here it is folks.  Presenting Pink Floyd!

Dress 25: Too Much Chocolate Is Good For The Soul

Cardigan – Gap; Dress – F21; Leggings – H&M; Boots – F21

Today…hmm what do I say?  
There’s a lot I could say.
But I won’t.

Let’s talk about this: 

I’ve lived in Toronto for over a decade…so I know it well.  Today on my way to an audition, I went the wrong way on the subway….twice.  Yup, that’s right folks.  Aren’t I spectacular?  I think so.

I did have far too much chocolate this afternoon…yippee!

But I hear ya, onto the dress already lady.

When I bought this little number I was attracted to the stripes and not too sure about the cut.  But as I’ve worn it, I’ve fallen in love with how easy it is to wear.  It’s one of those dresses that you wear on your off days because it’s forgiving, you can eat as much as you like in it, and you still look kinda cute.  Am I right?  But I’d love your opinion on it.  Trash, stash, or save?

Do you have a piece like that?  I’d love it if you sent me an email of yourself wearing it!

Dress 24: Knees Socks (Sans Shower)

Scarf – thrifted; Dress – Stradivarius; Leggings – H&M

Socks – MacGregor; Boots – somewhere in NYC

What I wore: Don’t have much to say about that today.  Except for the fact that I’m in love with wearing knee high socks and boots recently! *And yes, today I managed to shower without wearing socks…smarty pants* I’m not sure this sweater dress does anything for me though. 

Trash, stash, or save?

On another note…

A friend wrote me thinking they’re a “failure as a person.”  That got me thinking what is a “failure as a person”?  There are various ways to think about that I guess.  I won’t go into this person’s reasons – they’re private.  But here’s some things I think would qualify:

The obvious – pathological lying, thieving, violence towards others.
A lack of compassion.
Narcissistic self-obsession.
Inability to love – or desire not to.

That’s just my off-the-top-of-my-head list…and my friend certainly does not qualify.  If anything my friend excells at being the opposite of those things.  What would you add to the list?

Dress 23: Socks In The Shower

Dress – H&M; Flamingo Print Shirt – Cropp; Baseball T – F21

This dress is just a simple black knit dress.  It’s one of those that doesn’t have a whole lot to it by itself.  I layered it with a  baseball-tee, and a purple flamingo print button up that I bought a few years ago in Poland. I love this little top!  Trash, stash, or save?  Sorry guys, I’m trumping any opinions here.  This dress is a save!  It’s one every girl must have.

But here’s the thing, I ended up wearing it for about two hours.  And this time it wasn’t Baby’s fault.

A snowstorm people have been calling “Snowmaggedon” arrived and guess what? 
It’s just snow. 
Get over it.
Big whoop.

All it meant was that I had to go shovel about a continent worth of snow, which is fine.  I didn’t mind that.  But it was so much work that I sweated through all those layers.  Every single bit.  I know.  Gross right?  So that outfit went, “Bye! Bye!”  I jumped into the shower.  I was going to get all nice and dressed again, but Baby was screaming her head off for food, and I had to throw on clothes and rush downstairs to get her food prepped.  So, jeans for the rest of the day it was.  C’est La Vie.

Speaking of showers…thought I’d share a random, little tidbit with you all, and pardon me if I’ve already mentioned this.  A few days ago I was so tired that when I got in the shower I realized that I forgot to take my socks off. 
That’s sad…
And a little funny.

Please share with me some of your “socks in shower” moments so that I don’t feel so inane!

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