Scarf – thrifted; Dress – Stradivarius; Leggings – H&M

Socks – MacGregor; Boots – somewhere in NYC

What I wore: Don’t have much to say about that today.  Except for the fact that I’m in love with wearing knee high socks and boots recently! *And yes, today I managed to shower without wearing socks…smarty pants* I’m not sure this sweater dress does anything for me though. 

Trash, stash, or save?

On another note…

A friend wrote me thinking they’re a “failure as a person.”  That got me thinking what is a “failure as a person”?  There are various ways to think about that I guess.  I won’t go into this person’s reasons – they’re private.  But here’s some things I think would qualify:

The obvious – pathological lying, thieving, violence towards others.
A lack of compassion.
Narcissistic self-obsession.
Inability to love – or desire not to.

That’s just my off-the-top-of-my-head list…and my friend certainly does not qualify.  If anything my friend excells at being the opposite of those things.  What would you add to the list?