Motivated by May The 4th Be With You day, I thought about bringing a little of both my favorites things about May 4th into this outfit – Star Wars day and Audrey Hepburn’s birthday. Don’t see it yet? Well, the hair is influenced by the braided crown of Princess Leia in Empire Strikes Back on the planet Hoth, and AUdrey Hepburn comes in with a little touch of classic silhouette in the dress, and a general ladylike tone. Now you see it riiight?
And now you’re also shaking your head, thinking, “Nerd!”
Yup, present and accounted for.
Most mornings, my girl wakes up and walks right up to my bed and wakes me, or stares creepily at me until I wake up *but that’s another story*. But something very odd has happened three times so far. She’ll wake up, go downstairs, and cry on the couch. I’ll here her crying, “Mama? Mama?!” and it progresses to, “Someone help me! Help me!!” Side note: I’m not listening to this in some sadistic way, it’s what slowly wakes me up and it’s not until I fully wake up that I realize what’s happening.
Like I said, this has happened three times. The first two times, I came downstairs and told her that I was sleeping…in my room…in my bed. So why on these random days does she not look for me there?
I’m very confused.
There are those days when there is so much swimming in my brain that I write and write for what seems like days. Just a plethora of inspiration. Then there are days like today. Days where I sit at my computer and there is so much in my brain that I seem incapable of plucking one single strand of thought out from the pool in which is swims. Inspiration will come. Patience will have it’s reward, but right now, at this moment, I’m drawing a blank.
P.S. Awesome shoe giveaway coming up in May!
Day two in Ottawa was windy, can you tell? It’s odd to sit here looking at these shots now that I’m back. It feels ages ago, though it was only three days ago. I guess that’s what a busy and tiring weekend will do to you. I’ve had the pleasure of having three great photo shoots booked this weekend, so needless to say, I’m knackered! But excited about editing and getting some Spring cleaning/downsizing done.
You guys doing Spring cleaning? Any tips???
Well, as much as I’ve been hoping to put away my winter boots, the trip to Ottawa *where it’s even colder than Toronto* had me committed to creating outfits centered once more around these blasted boots! Despite this, the chance to get outfit shots along the river, traipse through uncharted territory made up for the unfortunate limitation of footwear. As did the chocolate store I happened upon…
Even a cozy tribal, aztec cardigan *which my daughter likes to cuddle in* wasn’t enough when I came home. She had been having fun all day, and when mommy came home she was having none of it. She came up, and instead of the usual hug, I got a firm shove out the front door.
That did not feel good.
And then the following day she did not want me to leave. Ugh, kid, can you make up your mind? It’s really tough when you play roly poly with my emotions like this.
She’s lucky she’s cute.
And that I have a steady supply of wine and chocolate.
Cute clothes for women, that’s what we think about when you think fashion blog. But then I share that I’m a mom, and people say they never would’ve guessed, and look at my outfit. Who says that the second we become Moms, or Dads, that we’re relegated to mommy jeans and cardigans? Though it would be hilarious to see a Dad in mommy jeans. But I digress.
I firmly believe that style is not relegated to one stage of life, or to one age of life. Style, in my mind, is a reflection of where you are in life, and what you’re feeling and thinking in that moment of time. It’s ever in flux.
Perhaps, that’s why I don’t believe in a uniform. A uniform implies no ebb and flow. It implies a certain stagnation to me, a lack of experimentation and growth. But maybe that’s me. Maybe they’ve got it all figured out and have arrived at their true and complete selves – their personal nirvana and have no where else to go.
Me? I am ever curious about what’s around the corner.
*linking up with Style Sessions, WIWW , Passion for Fashion, and Trend Spin*
Our city is going crazy. Our current mayor *Rob Ford – google him…no seriously, do it. You’ll see what I mean* is making Toronto a laughing stock. Seriously, I don’t know how he’s still in office.
On these jaded and cynical days, I end up reaching for soft, loose, and chunky things. Perhaps I’m unconsciously trying to create a protective barrier between myself and those things that have me feeling like our world is going down the crapper.
Perhaps, it’s not so unconscious.
This tank from Love Nail Tree also fits. The design is a commentary on the American dream – the perversion and decay of it more accurately. So perhaps, while I reach for a protective barrier, I also can not quiet the instinct in me to not go quietly into that gentle night, if only through the use of a wise graphic tee.