Category :Bags

On a Technicality

Technically, Spring is here. Technically, Winter is over. Technically.


There was this crochet bag that I really wanted.

Nourishment in One Place

“As in childhood, they become fixated on one person, whom they see as their sole source of well-being. They transfer this desperate attitude to their relationships, believing all of their nourishment can be provided by one person only: their particular mate” – Zen and the Art of Falling in Love.

Casa Loma Party

When you’re invited to spend a friend’s birthday partying it up at a castle, you say yes!

Back To School, It Brings More Projects

Well, it’s full into the swing of school.

World Cup Fever

The World Cup. Yup, it’s a huge thing. In Poland, soccer is the game.


There was this great week there: where my In-laws watched my girl one evening, and then took her for two evenings on the weekend.

World Cup Starts!

This weekend was a busy one.

Foxy Lady As I Please

I get so tired of being told what I should and shouldn’t wear.

Hard to be Soft

There are days you feel soft and delicate. Then there are days

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