Category :85 Dresses

Dress 46: Casual Coffee

Sweater – Gap; Scarf – Jacob; Dress – ??

This is my version of a jeans and t-shirt/sweater day – casual and easy.  I know I’ve been giving you a lot of casual outfits, and what can I tell ya, I’m a casual girl.  *Not in that sense! Get your mind out of the gutter!* I’ve also had a rough night and a rough morning, so I needed the bright color to pep me up…at least a little.

And I’m surviving an emergency right now.  
*Pause for dramatic effect*
There’s no coffee in house!  
Thank goodness I have a good friend who’s bringing me coffee right now. 
She’s on the bus right now.

P.S.  My battery died so these pics were taken with my older and crappier camera…sorry.  You’ll forgive me woncha?

Dress 45: What Do You Wear When No One’s Looking?

Shirt – Smart Set; Dress & Sunglasses – F21; Scarf – Thrifted; Jacket – Jacob; Bag – Matt by Matt&Nat
A close-up of the dress without the fixin’s

What do you wear when no one’s looking?  Do you resort to sweatpants, jeans, lulus? Do you walk around in the buck?  *That’s also a style choice, albeit a chilly one*  It’s a question I’ve been thinking about since I spend much of my day with an eight month old, working from home, and random strangers I see while running errands who couldn’t care less about what I wear.  Husband couldn’t care less what I wear, in fact he’d prefer if I opted for the chilly option above. *boys!* But I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to dress for myself – even if no one is looking.  Even if the day’s big events are a trip out to buy hangers and read my blogs on the net. 

Plus *and this is in addition to the above* we need to dress for our spouse a little too.  I saw a documentary about a Muslim woman and she said she covers herself in public in part because she saves her beauty for her husband.  I like that notion.  When we’re at home, all too often we get sloppy.  We put no effort into how we look for our partners.  Yes, there are PJ days.  Yes, there are frumpy days.  Yes, it’s still about casual and comfortable around the house.  No, I’m not saying get out the Tux.  I am saying to put a little effort into staying attractive….that goes for both partners.  Equally.

Dress 44: Frankly Frumpy

Shirt – Smart Set; Dress – Numph; Leggings – F21

I wore this dress yesterday to bum around with my family and frankly, I don’t think it’s workin’ for me. The intricate embroidery on the back attracted me to this a few years back, but I think the large side pockets just make it, and me, look frumpy.  Since, Numph is a great indie label, I think I’m going to store this one in case I ever change my mind…or my daughter wants it. 

Baby has been whiny all day, and I really don’t feel like being a parent right now.  So, I’m going to have some chocolate, ignore her, and let Husband take this one.  I need a spa!!!

Dress 43: The Big Question…I Need Your Help!

Jacket – Jacob; Shirt – F21; Dress – H&M; Tights – Hue; Loafers – AE

No you’re not having deja vu, you’ve seen a similar dress before here.  But I told you then that I loved this dress so much I bought it in two colors.  So here’s the second color.  I am absolutely bonkers about the brown and gray combo.  There’s something refined, but oh so easy about it that I can’t resist.  Trash, stash, or save?  I’m thinking since I loved it enough to buy two of them, that it’s a save.  That one was easy right?

But on to more important things…

Here’s what I need your help with right now.  It’s super important…yes, more important than the people starving in the Sudan.  Okay, maybe not more important but a close second.  *yes, I’m being cheeky*  Should I keep my bangs, or grow them out?

The shot on the left is a much older pic, but it give you an idea.

Husband and another person have told me to grow them out.  Husband specifically liked me more without bangs.  Another person said she liked me more with bangs.  So I’m confused.  I need help deciding and I’d appreciate some honest, non-biased opinions.  Thanks so much!

Dress 41: Puttering About The House

Sweater – Gap; Shirt -thrifted; Dress – Old Navy; Leggings – F21

how do you wear a tube dress when it’s -12 outside?  Put a t-shirt under it, and a cardi over it.  Plus, I didn’t have to think too hard since I was hanging out with Baby all day today; Husband’s at work.  We’re not independently wealthy yet, you know. So this is the outfit/dress I choose to spend the day puttering around the house in.  So?  Trash, stash, or save?  I’m not sure where I stand on this one.  So I need your help.  Am I too old for a flowery tube dress????  Seriously.

And, I’ll share a secret with you. *though you can probably tell* Ready?  I’m not wearing make-up.  Nope.  None at all.  Couldn’t be bothered.
True Story: I’m afraid that Baby’s security blanket will turn out to be my fuzzy fleece PJs.  She loves them!  She nuzzles right in sucking her thumb.  *sigh* There she goes stealing my clothes already.

Dress 40: Eat, Drink, And Be Merry For Tomorrow The Dress Dies

Sweater – made by Babcia; Dress – Pink Martini; Belt – AE; Leggings – F21; Boots – Feet First

It’s the first of March!   Spring is literally just around the corner.  And I can not wait! The sun is out and I wanted to wear something light and bright.

You can’t see the detail on this little number as it’s covered by the sweater *I really must remember to take better detail shots* but it’s got little buttons and embroidery on it. It’s a soft jersey knit dress and I consider myself brave to wear it when I’m around Baby all day.  I’m a little nervous that by the end of the day it will be stained, but I live life on the edge.  And you know, we can’t be afraid to wear the clothes we really like just because we’re afraid they’ll get dirty or ruined.  Under that logic, our favorite pieces will stay in the closet unworn. That’s no way to dress.  That’s no way to live either.

I know.
I’m deep.
hee, hee…

Trash, stash, or save? I think I’m voting ‘save’ and I’ll just keep wearing it bravely until the day that it dies a noble death.

True Story:  Baby fought her way over obstacles and across the whole bed just so she could cuddle with my PJs and suck her thumb.  Awwww….

Dress 39: Lose Yourself In Girly Stuff

Dress without the sweater…yes it’s cold.

Sweater – Esprit; Dress – Ruche; Leggings and Boots – F21

Monday!  Yes, I know most people don’t like Mondays.  But I do, and here’s why:  it’s the day I go to work.  Yes, I know that’s why most people don’t like Mondays.  But see, I’m on maternity leave and spend most of my time with Baby; so this is my day to get out and be me.  Plus, I really like my job.  So, yeah I get excited to go to work.

I’m sitting here at work, on a break and writing this as we speak.  I’m joined tonight by the lovely Olivia and we’re being silly together.  We’re talking about haircuts, and dresses and shopping like it’s the conflict in Libya – we’re such girls!  I know.  But sometimes we all need to be silly.

But one thing we were discussing was how much this blog has helped me as a new Mom.  Instead of getting lost in Baby and resorting to sweatpants and hoodies, I’m forced by you lovely folks to get dressed and at least make an attempt at looking good.  It gets me outside of feeling like a piece of milk meat revolving around Baby, and gets me feeling like a woman.  It’s hard not to lose yourself after a Baby, but I think it’s important to be selfish sometimes and think about what makes you feel like you.  I know I’m a much better mother for it. I’m a better wife for it.  And I’m a better me for it.

Dress 38: Fake It ‘Til You Make It

Sweater – H&M; Dress – F21: Leggings – F21

Baby’s two front teeth are coming in, yes at the same time.  What does that mean?  It means we’re up in the night for hoursHours, I tell you! She’s in pain, so she’s up and cranky and wants to be cuddled.  But the bright side?  They’re both coming in at once, so at least we don’t have to go through it twice.  Yes I know there are plenty more teeth but we’re talking about these two right now.  I’m pretending selective amnesia and denying that any more teeth will come in.

So the motivation behind todays outfit?  Denial. I’m wiped, so I’m wearing a fun, happy dress to trick myself.  Fake it, ’til you make it.  And you know what?  It  works.  Not hugely, I’m not jumping for joy or anything, but I’m feeling a little less grumpy. So, yeah, it’s brightened my mood.  And that’s what I love about clothes.  They can make us feel things that we didn’t necessarily think we could that day. 

True Story:  I just finished season 5 of How I Met Your Mother…I love Barney!  I want to go drinking with that guy!

Dress 37: Tight Budget My A@$

Shirt – AE; Belt – AE; Dress – H&M; Leggings – F21; Socks – Hue; Boots – somewhere in NYC
Leather Jacket – F21; Sweater – TNA

I have several of these knited dresses (here and here).  They’re very versatile and comfortable.  And they can be styled in so many different ways.  Oh and the best thing?  They were only $12 each when I bought them!  Now that’s a budget.  I saw a blog the other day where the woman said her mission was to be stylish on a tight budget.  After reading further ,I discovered that her “tight budget” was $250/month.  Now to me that’s not a tight budget, that’s extravagant luxury.  I know I spend a looooot less!

But back to the dress…

I wanted to be casual and comfortable to go to circle time with Baby (that’s where we sing songs, etc).  And I also didn’t want to do my hair.  So there you have it, the motivation behind this outfit was laziness!  So the final verdict is a forgone conclusion…trash, stash, or save?  For $12 each these dresses are a definite save!

True Story:  Baby stood up in her crib for the first time, and wrinkled her nose at me in pride.

Dress 36: I’m Full Of It…

Boots – Threadsence
Cardigan – Esprit; Dress – F21; Belt – thrifted; Tights – Hue
…Errands that is.  
What did you think I was full off? 
Don’t answer that.  

I spent my morning running, then I spent the afternoon running errands.  But it’s good.  I got a lot of things I needed, now I actually have to do the stuff here at home. *sigh*  Anyone want to vaccum for me? *sound of crickets*  I guess not. 

Today’s outfit was one thrown together for this day of errands.  And remember how I said that if you’re a mother you shouldn’t get too attached?  Well I did get attached.  And two hours later I have baby spit-up on the dress, under the dress, and under the bra.  Yeah, I should really learn to take my own advice.  Now I need to change, but I don’t want to.  Opinions?  Should I change?  Or just pretend it’s not there?  Oh and trash, stash, or save?

True Story: I returned a bag of nuts today.  
Don’t laugh.  
They tasted weird.  
Weird, I tell you!
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