Dress I can’t Afford

I love a good slow fashion brand, and I’m a sucker for a princess cut bodice. So when I found Ovate, based out of Quebec, I was even more excited because bonus – they’re Canadian!

Coming Clean

Time to come clean. Over the last little while, I’ve been making my way through our health care system because I had some symptoms and it led me to discover a large mass in my neck.


Surreal: resembling a dream. Closely related to unbelievable, unreal, and abnormal. That’s been on my mind as of late.

Time Flies

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
   Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today
   Tomorrow will be dying.


The sun may warm the air occasionally, but it’s different.

Changing Times

The weather is changing, lots of things are in fact, but for now, the leaves are still green, and the sun is still warm.

I Love My Lazy Dog

I love my Lazy Dog.

He just lies around, contributes nothing material, and expects love.


Found this little guy walking along the path. I froze. He froze. Then he watched me veeerrry carefully as I snapped a picture. Afterwards, we said our goodbyes and went ahead with our day…though I much faster than he.

Hog’s Back Falls

The Hog’s Back Falls, or The Prince of Wales Falls as it’s sometimes called, is right in the city but it doesn’t feel that way.


The next day was filled with a long and lovely walk along the Rideau, all the way past the locks and right to the edge.

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