Category :Uncategorized

I’m Done

I think I’m done here. It’s been great, I achieved what I set out to achieve. So, on that note, this’ll be the last post for Moda Mama. I’m not disappearing, just moving on. Find me on socials and let’s connect there.

Much love and appreciation for all the wonderful interactions and support I’ve had here. I’ll always be grateful for you.

Everyone Runs

Normally, up at the cabin, I do the regular trail run.

Man in the Bunkie

Our little old man is always a hit – thanks to his sweet nature plus our training, he’s quiet and cuddly which goes over well.

As a Host

On the flip side, as a host,

Unsolicited Email

OMG, what is it about companies emailing us? Follow me on this journey:

That Age

She’s gotten to that age where….


Thanks so much…


Found this little guy walking along the path. I froze. He froze. Then he watched me veeerrry carefully as I snapped a picture. Afterwards, we said our goodbyes and went ahead with our day…though I much faster than he.


If you Can-Can-Can!

Une Cafe

Coffee. A must, for any mom, and any tourist.

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