Category :Lifestyle

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I don’t do New Year’s resolutions. I think they’re kind of useless in the sense that if you want to change your life, change it,

New Year

One year is over, and though you may not have achieved everything you wanted, you’ve made progress for sure.

Granny Square Crochet Coat for a Girl

I had some left over yarn – all bits and bobs, and nothing to really make something.

Snow Day

I woke up to a snow storm. I woke up to a silent house.

That First Snowfall….

…when the city gets covered in a blanket of white..

This Is What Happens When A Fan Makes A Show

Okay, blatant gush fest here folks.

Tired of the Fight

In the acting world I get told that I’m too old all the time.

Conversations in our House: Coffee and Other Men Edition

If you haven’t noticed I’m a gallows humor and sarcastic type of person.

Winery and Farm

On the way home we stopped at a farm and winery.

Ruin Photobomber

Yes the ruins were glorious, yes they made stunning pics,

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