Category :Fashion


…I’m gone. Adios! I’m outta here.

“I Love You”

Funny, those words.

Old Friends

There’s this beautiful thing that happens with long time friends.

Birthday Party Outfit

Well, you all saw the pictures from the photobooth I had at my party, but here’s the outfit.

In the Studio With Spell

I picked up a few items from Spell Designs during a sale – of course, they are so not weather appropriate as we’re in Winter and Snow right now.

Dragging Horses Winter

It’s Winter. Duh! I know, the snow kind of gave it away.  So I’m sort of stating the obvious.

Resolutions Whenever

“The body tries to tell the truth. But it’s usually too battered with rules to be heard, and bound with pretenses so it can hardly move. We cripple ourselves with lies.” – Jim Morrison.

Why I Didn’t Like “Gypset Style”

I’ve been reading “Gypset Style” by Julie Chaplin. I got it as a gift once, and well, every style blogger I know and every brand I know was singing its praises; so, I figured I should probably read it. And I don’t like it.

A Change on the Site

It’s been a bit quiet here on the site, and there’s a good reason.

A Friend is a Gem

There’s nothing better than sitting down with someone knew over a coffee.

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